[Solved] KIT711 – Written Reports

Due: Weeks 4, 7 and 10

This assessment is a series of introductory assignments into network security. The goal is for each of you to examine problems in systems and networks from a security perspective. Not only will you research a problem, but you will also learn from other students.
Assignment Specification
This assessment is a series of three individual assignments on a range of topics that will then be peer assessed by other students using a peer review system that many of you may have used previously in KIT707 and KIT708. This peer assessment itself will then be subject to assessment by the original submitter. This system is accessible here
The three assignments will be due at 3pm on the Tuesday of week 4, and Monday of weeks 7 and 10. They will be worth a total of 20% of the final mark in the unit. Each assignment should be between 500 and 700 words in length, not including references and you will lose marks if the length is not within this range.
The written portion of the first topic will be worth 6%, with the written portion for the second and third topics being worth 7% each.
Week 4 – Due Tuesday 3pm on the 17th of March
This topic is to be based around a news event that is relevant to network security that has occurred in the last two years. There is a very wide range of topics that could be chosen, however, if you have any problems or questions, please contact your unit coordinator and ask.
The assignment must not be a simple narrative of events, but a discussion of the events that took place, and an examination of the security that may have been breached, or the implications of the event. You should be able to relate it back to the academic literature to give the event broader context.
Week 7 – Due Monday 3pm on the 13th of April
Authentication is a vital step in ensuring the security of devices and networks. This topic involves you learning about a common authentication device and considering the particular
technique’s strengths and weaknesses. You must choose one the following authentication methods:
 Fingerprint scanner
 Facial pattern recognition devices
 Voice biometric devices
 Retinal scan identification devices
Week 10 – Due Monday 3pm on the 4th of May
Choose one of the following cryptographic protocols and explore the security goals (considering CIA&A) that it is attempting to achieve.
 Zero-Knowledge Proofs
 Threshold Cryptography
 Secure Multiparty computation
 Blind Signatures
Peer Assessment
This assignment requires each student peer reviewing three other student’s submissions. This involves marking their submission against the CRA marking rubric (which is included as part of this specification) and providing quality feedback. After this has been completed, each student will then grade this assessment based on the quality of the feedback and how fair they think the mark was. How this assessment is to occur will be discussed in lectures.

The submission for all reports is to be in PDF format, and you must submit to two different locations:
1. The first submission location is the peer review system which will allow you to have your assignment viewed and assessed by other students, and for you to also view the assignments you are allocated to mark.
2. The second submission


Week 4 Discussion

According to a Forbes article by Winder (2019), Facebook confirmed that it had exposed millions of user passwords to unauthorized people by storing them in plain text. Consequently, the Facebook team revealed that the platform has a technical flaw that made it possible for children to use the children’s messenger application to talk to strangers online without their parent’s permission. The Facebook data breach in 2019 affected more than……..

Week 7 Discussion

Fingerprint authentication uses biometric data to secure cyber systems. Most organizations use fingerprint authentication when accessing areas that require one to have clearance. The fingerprint authentication system is based on the premise that everyone has unique marks on their fingers (Shreyas et al., 2017). These marks cannot be altered or copied and, as such, make an ideal way to authenticate individuals…………………

Week 10 Discussion

Blind signatures refer to digital monograms where the content of messages is hidden before a signature is appended. There is a provision to verify the blind signature alongside the original message. Blind signatures apply mostly in protocols that require utmost privacy and where both the author of the message and the person signing are different (Schröder & Unruh, 2017)…………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.