(Answer) Homelessness in Portland


For this research writing assignment, you will develop a written program for a regular series of 5-minute studio interview TV programs will inform the local and regional viewing public of topics relevant to the University of Southern Maine, Portland and it’s surrounding communities. This series will be based on a participant program theme designed for a specific, local, or regional target audience. This series should be suitable for a number of possible distribution outlets, including local cable access channels, local broadcast television stations, and online platforms. The interview show that you are producing will be a pilot show or an example of type of topical programs that will comprise your proposed TV program series.  The proposal must reference at least 2 published sources (print or electronic periodical or newspaper articles, book chapters) No more than one Internet source may be used in your proposal.  The paper must be typed (12-font or smaller) and double space with 1-inch margins on all sides, plus endnotes (if any) and a bibliography. The proposal should be written in a formal third-person writing style. Sources must be properly cited throughout the paper according to the latest edition of an academic writing style manual (e.g., MLA, APA) Because the paper should reflect “your” own thinking on the topic area, please use direct quotations sparingly. The written proposal will be evaluated on the level of research, organization and structure, and the quality of writing including the mechanics of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation. The final grade will be determined by assessing the level of professionalism, thoroughness, and persuasiveness of the proposal document.

This a 3-4 page proposal must include the following parts:

1. Title – A working title to identify your studio interview program series.

2. Brief Description of Talk/Interview Program Series – What is the main topic of the series? What will be some of the topic areas addressed within the series? What is the topic of the pilot program you are producing? Who will be your guess for the pilot program? What is the specific relationship between your show’s topic and your chosen guess? (1-2 paragraphs)

3. Purpose – What is the main reason for producing your interview program and the program series? Is it to inform, to educate, to entertain, to gain public support for a particular cause, or maybe a very limited combination of these purposes? Please be explicit and specific in this category.

4. Significance & Need – What is the significance of this program and the program series compared to other existing programs on the same topic area or subject matter? In other words, what makes this program unique? Does the program offer a unique point of view toward a particular topic? Also, is there a clear “need” for a program addressing this topic? You will need to justify the time and expense of producing your talk/interview program and the program series.

5. Intended Audience – Please be very specific about the audience. This will greatly strengthen your overall proposal and will attract specific sponsors to produce the series. Who are you really trying to reach? Include some specifics – demographic and/or psychographic (lifestyle characteristics) information. Your program may have specific primary audience, as well as several secondary audiences, dependent on how it is distributed.

6. Preliminary Research on the Topic – A few paragraphs citing and referencing directly citing, referencing and explicitly discussing some of the research information you found on the program’s topic area. This section must include information from your research sources (magazine articles, newspaper stories, books) and may also include any personal interviews you conducted with people associated with your topic. Please be sure to cite these source in-text in this research section as well as listing them alphabetically in the bibliography section.

Distribution Outlets – What is your primary distribution outlet? Be as specific as possible. How will this program series be distributed within the University of Southern Maine, Portland and within the local communities? What are your secondary distribution outlets? Please explore and list as many feasible distributions outlets as possible because this not only increases the project’s chances of obtaining funding, but also the type of public exposure the program series will receive. Please be specific in listing your distribution outlets – which stations (call letters, cities), Internet websites, and other outlets? How it will be distributed is linked to its intended audience.

7. List of Production Crew and Equipment – In this section, you will list your requirements for a production crew as well as the basic equipment and facility needs. You are not expected to provide names associated with the roles, – other than your own.

8. Bibliography – In this section you will cite in alphabetical order all the research sources (magazine articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, Internet web sites, personal interviews, brochures, etc.) referenced in the “Preliminary Research” section and in the overall proposal itself. Sources must be probably accepted academic writing guide ( I.e., MLA, APA). A very good online version of the APA guide is available at this website. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01
Need 2 sources: 1 newspaper article from the Portland Press Herald and 1 internet source.


Homelessness in Portland

Topic of Interest

The interview program series will mainly look into the issue of homelessness in Portland in the state of Maine. Destitution in the region is negatively affecting people’s quality of life, and this implies that immediate action is required to rectify the situation. The program will look into patterns of homelessness, income, and employment dynamics attached to this phenomenon, mental and physical health status of the street families, and potential housing solutions to this menace. The guest on this program will be the Mayor of Portland. The administration system is responsible for embracing people’s welfare, such as providing basic social amenities such as shelter. The mayor has a direct role in offering community leadership and developing policies that guide the city through establishing strategic priorities and goals for the region…………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.