(Answer) AE 20C A Summary of Growth and Fixed Mindsets


Why have a growth mindset?

This prompt asks you  to consider why individuals should have a growth mindset.  Since this topic is too brood to address reasonably in a single essay, you will need to narrow it by referring to• specific situation.  For example, you could argue that having a gr0wth mindset benefits those strong to create effective relationships, adapt to college Life, learn win a specific counsel, or develop academic language.  You can narrow the topi c to whatever situation you like. ln your paper, you  will need to draw from Mi”tl!tl: Thr Nrw Pqr/JQ/o,gi·ef .l’ttrm1 fur C\•idcncc. Your instructor will expect you to reconnect Dweck’s arguments about growth  mindsetters and thoughtfully  incorporate evidence pertaining to these arguments into your Paper.


You will need  to make a claim and provide convincing evidence for your claim. Consider the different t)’peS of evidence writers use to convince you, e.g., personal  anecdote, personal experience,

Grading and Rubric

You will write 4 drafts for this paper: zero, first, second, and third. Guidelines for each draft will be explained by your instructor.  Your final score for this paper will reflect how you did on all four drafts.

Be aware of the resources available to you-your instructor,the UCI Writing Center, Peer Tutors, and of course, )’Our peers. Pay careful attention to the grammar and \’Vocabulary topics your instructor covers in class, since much of what )’you learn can be used in this paper.


Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is beneficial to the people who pursue fun in life, enjoy learning, have healthy relations and intend to improve one’s business. It is associated with these benefits; the growth attitude is likely to impact on one’s success, career, happiness, health, and relationships with other people. A person with a fixed mindset is likely to stagnate in a single situation in life or take unnecessarily long to realize advancement as compared to a counterpart with a growth attitude. An individual’s mindset is the view that a person adopts of oneself; whether a person’s traits and abilities can change or if they are set in stone. Growth mindset comes with confidence for the people to tackle challenges in life. If people stay alone without the company of friends, the progressive approach is likely to take effect and help in the establishment of an aggressive attitude…………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.