Text book: Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services

Overview The purpose of this assignment is to define ethics and discuss your philosophy on ethical behavior using Chapter 3  Principles of auditing & other assurance services(please use this book). for context. The essay should address the following issues to provide your general philosophy on ethical behavior:

  1. What is your general ethical philosophy? Do you follow the imperative principle, the principle of utilitarianism, or some other principle of ethical decision-making (e.g., New York Times test, or simply weigh the possibility of getting caught)? In other words, how do you make ethical decisions?
  2. Do you think it is important to act in an ethical manner? If there is no (or a very small) possibility of being caught, is it still important to act ethically?
  3. The field of economics generally assumes that individuals act in their own economic selfinterest and will unethically if it is economically beneficial to do so. For example, everyone will cheat on their taxes if there is no possibility of detection. Do you think people, in general, behave this way? If so, how does this assumption manifest in reality?
  4. Do you think an adult can learn to act ethically (i.e., can a college course on ethics lead someone to act more ethically)? Conversely, is ethical behavior something innate?
  5. Using your own ethical philosophy, define an “ethical dilemma” and describe one or more personal examples of how you addressed an ethical dilemma?

Format • Word Count: 1500 words (double-spaced not including Cover Page and Bibliography).

  • Margins: 1” (Left or Full justification only).
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Headings and Subheadings: Please use them as appropriate.
  • Page Numbers: At the bottom of your page, with the first page of your writing holding the first page number.
  • Bibliography Attach a separate sheet at end of paper

*** WARNING *** – Students will be punished fully for plagiarism.

Other Instructions

  • Your introduction should summarize your findings and conclusion (i.e., you are NOT writing a mystery novel.)
  • Do not use lists, bullet points, or the second person (i.e., “you”) in your writing.
  • You may only use up to two (2) short direct quotes, which should be properly anchored in your paper (i.e., quotes should not disrupt the flow of your letter).
  • Use passive voice sparingly.



Kagan (2018) defined ethical behavior as behaving in a way that is agreeable with what the society thinks is good values. Ethics are important in personal and business life and entails having moral principles relating to honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, and individual rights, among others. This essay is divided into five sections; the first discusses personal ethical philosophy in auditing and accounting fields. The second part is an analysis of the importance of acting ethically in the two fields and the third part discusses ethics in economics and the assumptions of self-interest in this field. The fourth part is an evaluation of the success of teaching ethics in college, while the last part is an evaluation of how to solve a personal ethical dilemma using am example.

General Ethical Philosophy

When making ethical decisions, people follow the utilitarianism theory of ethics that views a deed as right if it creates happiness and wrong if it generates the opposite of happiness……………………….To access the rest of the solution for $1o, please click on the purchase button.