(Answer) Global Human Resources Strategy


Assignment Brief:
The summative assignment for this unit is a 3,000 word individual report on the HR strategy of a (multi-national) organisation of your choice. A list of potential organisations (where known academic research is available) is listed on the next page to help you in your decision. Your chosen organisation does not need to be a ‘for-profit’ organisation although many will choose such organisations.
Using theories and models, you must first assess the available secondary data on your chosen company (e.g. financial reports, annual reports to shareholders, business press, specialist trade journals, published academic papers, etc.) to determine the company’s business strategy. The business strategy should be a maximum of 500 words (students will be penalised for exceeding this).
The second part of the assignment is a critical analysis of the current HR strategy of your chosen company derived from secondary data collection. Critical is the operative word. As we know from Lecture, the objectives of the employment relationship are a balance between efficiency, equity and voice. These three fundamental objectives should be considered, and the focus should not just be on the efficiency of the organisation.
Based on the information on the business strategy, you should analyse how and why the particular configuration of HR policies and practices support (or do not support) your chosen organisation’s business strategy. In other words, using any available secondary data on the organisation’s actual HR policies and strategies, evaluate whether and to what extent current HR policies support the business strategy, and undertake an evaluation of how and why you might recommend changes to the organisation’s current HR strategy.
Based on theory covered in the lectures it should be relatively straightforward to determine the ‘most appropriate’ HR strategy for the organisation in question. For example, if your company has a low-cost focus, what would be the most appropriate recruitment strategy? However, as information on the organisation’s actual HR strategy, policies and practices may be harder to come by (depending on the company selected), this might be as far as some students will be able to take their analysis – in this scenario, you will need to focus on why particular HR policies and practices are ‘most likely’ to support/drive the organisation’s business strategy, drawing on empirical evidence from the academic literature (e.g. similar firms in the same/similar industry) and relevant theory. Where data is available on the organisation’s HR strategy/policies/practices, should undertake an assessment of any ‘gaps’ between best practices/best fit and actual HR policies/practices, and then critically evaluate why such differences exist and to what effect.


Summative Assignment


Human resources are an instrumental part of an effective business strategy. Successful corporate personnel realize the vitality of highly motivated and well-trained members of staff to accomplish an entity’s financial milestones. According to Carter & Baghurst (2014), sound HR departments appreciate the importance of maintaining employees’ focus on organizational goals while generating opportunities for workforce growth and development [1]. Both the employees and the management team ought to understand that, cooperative, and not adversarial associations are imperative to a firm’s overall success (Carter and Baghurst 453). In an organizational context, the HR unit has to cooperate with the senior leaders in the development of effective programs attached to performance appraisal, employee training, development, and rewarding (Carter and Baghurst 2014). Workforce recruitment, selection, and competent workforce are essential elements of management training (Kyndt et al. 35). The main objectives attached to employment relationships are voice, equity, and efficiency. The three of them are an integral part of developing potentially functional business strategies for overall organizational success in the corporate world…………………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.