(Answer) Social Media Marketing for Businesses


How Social Media Platforms Can Be Used as an Effective Marketing Tool in a Small City


How Social Media Platforms Can Be Used as an Effective Marketing Tool in a Small City

Chapter 1: Introduction

Background and Context

The world is termed as a global village owing to the advanced levels of communication technology witnessed these days. At the heart of the global community lies applications and networks that allow users to create and share content with each other regardless of their geographical distance. Businesses have witnessed the trickle-down effect of contemporary communication and information systems as stakeholders attempt to leverage available technologies to improve their operations, maintain a competitive edge over their rivals, and remain relevant in a dynamic business environment. On the marketing front, social media takes center stage, offering a wide range of benefits to both consumers and marketers, some of which include cost efficiency, enhanced brand loyalty, and increased brand awareness. Therefore, the examination of social media as a marketing tool is not only justified and long overdue but also critical to the marketing success of businesses worldwide.

Marketing is a capital-intensive venture. This fact disadvantages small and medium-sized enterprises as the playing field tilts in favor of large firms with sufficient capital and labor at their disposal. However, as Lamminen (2018) notes, social media provides an opportunity for small businesses to compete at the same level with large firms irrespective of their financial abilities. Platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Telegram make it easy for marketers to advertise their goods and services for consumers to see and possibly contact them for a deal. By offering affordable marketing platforms where buyers do not discriminate businesses based on their size, financial muscle, or years of existence, social media effectively bridges the gap between local small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) and larger regional and international companies.

Brand loyalty is among the ultimate aims of marketing. Marketers have to find ways of ensuring that consumers identify and resonate with the brands they have created, and social media offers the best avenue for instilling brand loyalty among consumers. Social media responsiveness has proven to be crucial in enhancing brand loyalty since it allows businesses to provide adequate and timely responses to their clients’ inquiries or concerns. In addition, it enables marketers to introduce new products and engage their consumers while discouraging them from purchasing competing brands. Social media also aids in tailoring customized messages that are specific to a group of consumers. The resultant high brand loyalty levels ensure that businesses retain their customers, which guarantees them a constant revenue stream.

Social media has also proven to be an effective brand awareness creator because marketers must first make their products known to their target markets before they can work on improving customer loyalty. To this end, social media grants businesses the ability to overcome social, economic, political, and geographical boundaries as they seek to popularize their products and generate more sales. By posting information about their products on social media, hiring influencers, and securing celebrity endorsements, organizations can inform markets of their products, inventions, and offers…………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $20, please click on the purchase button.