[Answered] CJ 480 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


Working individually and with your instructor, you will select, research, and analyze a criminal justice need in a specific agency as the foundation for developing a findings and recommendations report. You will be provided with a list of agencies to contact, and the agency you select will provide you with a need in its organization to research. Please look in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics folder to find the list of agencies. If you have an agency with which you work or have a connection, you may use this agency, as long as you have a specific contact within the agency, so it can articulate a need and provide information around the need. This option will require instructor approval. If you have a concentration, you must choose an agency that has a need as closely related to your concentration as possible. In the reflection piece of the project, you will then reflect on how your topic relates to your concentration, if you have one, and their desired career path.
Generally speaking, you will conduct research on your agency’s need, which will inform the creation of criminal justice-related recommendations that attempt to address the identified need or problem. These recommendations will also include the development of appropriate tools and supporting materials that would be used to implement the recommendations and measure outcomes.
Your completed capstone project will be a final paper with several sections and follow this outline:
1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Abstract
4. Agency Needs Assessment (Capstone Component 1)
5. Findings and Recommendations Report (Capstone Component 2)
6. Appendices
7. References
8. Personal and Professional Reflection (Capstone Component 3)
Capstone Component 1: Agency Needs Assessment
For the first of three components, you will select an agency from a provided list, or use an agency with which you have a connection, and conduct an assessment of the agency’s specified need. You will contact the agency for a need or issue it would like addressed, and base your study on this topic. Your assessment should seek to uncover how and why the issue is happening by conducting a review of the literature and collecting and analyzing data on your chosen agency need, while also identifying existing resources designed to meet this need.
You will base your research on a preliminary review of literature or primary-source documents provided by the agency and talking with the agency. Your instructor is available to review sources and identify ways to obtain information and navigate the system. This comprehensive evaluation also presents the opportunity for you to engage with the agency. In your evaluation, you will try to contact appropriate individuals in the agency, either directly or using the internet or telephone, to interview them about the need they have specified. If you are not able to get in contact with an agency, you may use the agency’s website and the agency‘s mission and vision for the foundation of your project.
Your agency needs assessment should include the following sections:

I. Overview of Community and Need: This section should serve as the foundation for presenting your agency needs assessment; it is your opportunity to comprehensively describe the selected agency and its identified need. Overall, it is important to include any information that is pertinent for comprehending the agency and need. It is up to you to establish a robust context for understanding and responding to the agency’s need.
II. Communication with the Agency: This section should include a summary of your research in addition to any correspondence between you and your selected agency that has occurred up to this point in the term. This will include the agency’s description of its need and why it is a need, as well as the research you conducted with the agency to obtain additional information about the need, such as why the need is present and what resources were previously used to attempt to address the need. While conducting interviews with the agency, use the interview consent form provided in the course materials. Remember: If you are not able to get in contact with an agency, you may use the agency’s website and the agency‘s mission and vision for the foundation of your project.
III. Gathering Community Information (Methodology): Your methodology for this project is a brief systematic literature review. In this section, discuss how you collected your information and provide justification for your chosen method(s). Describe step-by-step for the reader how you conducted your brief systematic literature review so that the reader could follow your methods if they wanted to replicate the study.
IV. Literature Review: Using primary and secondary sources, provide a brief review of the literature and an evaluative review of the topic. What does the literature say about the topic, and how will you utilize this information? Through a review of the literature, your evaluation should include but not be limited to the relationship of the following to your topic:
A. The application of criminological theories
B. Ethical impact
C. The impact of the organizational culture
D. The impact of technologies
E. Previously attempted interventions in other agencies around this issue and their success (or lack thereof)
V. Need Analysis: This section should include your analysis of the data you gathered on the agency need. This will provide your conclusions drawn from the raw data you described in the preceding section. Referring to your assessment of the agency and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the problem, address the following:
• What is the magnitude of the problem in the agency?
• What resources and interventions currently exist in the agency?
• Provide a description of the impact the current resources and interventions are having on the agency. Are they effective? Why or why not?
• What obstacles exist in the agency that prevent impacting or addressing the problem?

Capstone Component 2: Criminal Justice Findings and Recommendations Report
Using your assessment of your chosen agency’s need, you will develop recommendations for addressing the need. The proposal should have the following elements:
I. Statement of Need: This section serves as a summary of the agency needs assessment you created. This is where you should highlight the problem by describing key findings from the review of the literature, presenting a review of the data you gathered in the agency needs assessment and highlighting the needs analysis section.
II. Program Recommendations: In this section, you will describe your overall evidence-based recommendations that adhere to ethical standards, also describing how and why these recommendations will make a positive difference in the agency, and how you considered the impact of globalization when making recommendations for addressing the agency need. Further, consider how technology may play a role in implementing your recommendations.
III. Goals and Objectives: This section is an opportunity for you to offer a comprehensive description of what your recommendations aim to do and how they will address the agency need. Define potential measurable improvements in organizational culture and community relations.
IV. Staffing/Administration/Resource Needs: This section should briefly cover the resources necessary to implement your recommendations, such as staffing and overall budget needs. It should include a short description of the number of staff members needed and their qualifications.
V. Evaluation Plan: This section is a description of how the agency will know the recommendations are successful in meeting your established goals. What methods will be used to evaluate success? What types of measures will be used? Who will do the measurement? What data will need to be collected? What resources will be needed to collect the data?

Capstone Component 3: Personal and Professional Reflection
For the final component of this capstone, you have the opportunity to discuss your thoughts on the process, outcomes of this project, and your overall criminal justice degree journey and experiences. You will also speak more specifically about how the project relates to your concentration, if you have one, and desired career path. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences. Your ability to self-assess specific areas that are of particular importance to you and to articulate your goals and plans is invaluable to successful practice in the field of criminal justice.
You should envision this component as a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in the criminal justice program as a whole. For instance, relative to the capstone, you could discuss what you did (or intended to do), and then consider what worked well, what challenges you faced, and what you would change or do differently to make your experience better. In reflecting on your time here at SNHU, you might discuss where you started, where you are now, and where you see yourself going. Note that this component is not about evaluating the capstone itself but rather your experience within the capstone project.
Some of the issues that you could address in this final component of this capstone may include:
• Overall, what was your capstone experience like?
• Reflect on the significance of the capstone in relation to your own experience at SNHU.
• What connections do you see between your capstone and your academic program? If you have a concentration, specifically talk about the connections between the capstone and concentration.
• How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
How will you apply what you have learned to a global view? For instance, would transnational crime impact your role as a criminal justice professional?



The city of Manchester is one of the cities in the UK that faces the challenge of high crime rates. One of the contributors of the increased crime rate in the city is the fact that there is an influx of immigrants because of its geographical location. Many illegal immigrants find their way into the city and end up engaging in crime. Moreover, it is not only immigrants……

Overview of Community and Need

The city of Manchester has the highest population in the state of New Hampshire. The agency of choice in this study is the New Hampshire (NH) State Police in the city of Manchester. The study shows how the NH police as an agency deals with the problem of illegal immigrants who are the contributors towards the increasing criminal activities in the city of Manchester. The problem is not only to blame on illegal immigrants but also on the residents of the city, especially those who come from very low-income households or poor social settings. However, it is evident that the police force does not have a workable approach to address the problem and implement permanent solutions. One of the solutions towards the problem would be to make adjustments in their work structure by mobilizing all the methodologies of combating crime that are geared towards enhancing security. This will reduce the surging rates of crime and finally restore public confidence.

Communication with the Agency

Ryan Grant who is the Assistant Chief of Police in Manchester and also part of the New Hampshire State Police said that the agency has tried making efforts to tone down the increasing crime but all seems to be overwhelming. Ryan Grant pointed out that many people find their way to Manchester through unlawful means with the hope of finding a job, but when they fail to secure stable employment, they turn to crime as the only alternative to generate income. Further,…………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.