[Answered] ENGL147N-10160 Week 3 Assignment: Guided Annotated Bibliography: Reading Critically and Practicing Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Apply the following writing resources to your posts:

For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Review from the lesson and textbook readings argumentative appeals, models for argument, effective and correct use of sources, and the purposes for/examples of annotated bibliographies.  Assess any feedback provided by the professor and/or your peers from discussion.
  • Refer to the “Guidelines and Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry” document for success.
  • Compose a full and complete annotated bibliography that includes the 6 scholarly sources with which you are most likely to work as you begin drafting your essay. These may change later, as you will continually research during drafting to find more powerful sources and/or new ideas for support and opposition. You may use sources from previous assignments if you have read and re-read them and feel they are highly valuable at this point still. You will:
    • Compose a full, rich, detailed paragraph discussing the process you used in gathering and annotating your sources. The “Guidelines and Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry” document will guide you with required questions that you must answer for this paragraph.
    • Compose full APA References for six scholarly sources, ideally three that support your points and three that oppose them, but no fewer than two opposing sources.
    • Write a rich annotation for each source, according to best practices studied in your readings and according to the instructions on the ”Guidelines and Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry” document.
  • Keep in mind that your purpose is analytical. You will very briefly summarize the source in a single sentence, then move into the source’s credibility, relevance, timeliness, and usefulness, followed by detailing specific connections to your argument and points and to other sources, if applicable. By the time you have finished this assignment, you should have a very clear idea of how your argument and the conversation between your voice and your sources will play out. This assignment will also provide your instructor with a solid preview of the quality of your argument as a whole.
  • Before submission, proofread and edit carefully for APA, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. While you are strongly encouraged to utilize electronic proofreading and APA tools, that is just your first line of offense. You should then always perform your own careful proofreading, silently and aloud, asking others to proofread if possible.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-4 pages (not including the title page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page





Guided Annotated Bibliography; Nurse-Sensitive Patient outcome

This annotated bibliography will discuss nurse sensitive-patient outcomes in acute care settings. The authors are practicing nurses that have exhibited dedication to intensive care unit patients to build a database of acute care-nursing care sensitive indicators. In the following sections, a context of the development of the literature review is expounded, and a summary of important issues is outlined. The six chosen articles will be backed up with additional works of literature to explore learning, analyze and identify how they influence nurse-sensitive patient outcomes. The analysis of how the literature search was done, the search term used, the database used, findings, exploration exclusion, and inclusion criteria of the criteria of choosing the literature chosen will be determined.…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $10