[Answered] Family Law Main Examination

(1) The three year Moratorium 94(1) is a limit placed by law to ensure that no Writ
for a divorce can be filed in the courts unless.
a) Three years have passed since the date of the marriage
b) Three years have passed since the date of the purchase of the
matrimonial home
c) Three years have passed since the date of the couple started living
d) Six years have passed since the date of the marriage

(2) Which case illustrates the concept of exceptional hardship?
a) Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball
b) Donoghue v Stevenson
c) Hadley v Baxendale
d) Foo Teck Kuan v Chan Yoke Han

(3) What is the only ground for divorce stated in the Women’s Charter?
a) Living separately for 1 month
b) One party to the marriage is diagnosed with mental illness
c) Irresponsible behavior
d) Irretrievable breakdown

(4) Which of the following is NOT is not considered as a specific ‘5 facts’ for
a) Adultery
b) Unreasonable behavior
c) Arguing with in-laws
d) Desertion

(5) Which of the following is NOT a source of Singapore law;
(a) The Constitution
(b) Legislation
(c) Judge-made law
(d) Decisions of an official arbitrator

(6) Research indicates that Singaporeans are delaying marriage, and marriage rates has
fallen among those aged below 30 years compared with a decade ago, but interestingly,
rose for those aged 30 and above. This trend of delayed marriages can be attributed to:
(a) young Singaporeans are focusing on their careers
(b) challenges in meeting a suitable life partner
(c) lack of knowledge of the legal age of marriage
(d) high cost of buying a matrimonial home

(7) Which of the following are important statutes in Family Law:
(a) Women’s Charter
(b) Family Justice Act 2014
(c) Guardianship of Infants Act
(d) All of the above

(8) A valid marriage is formed on the performance of the proper formalities required,
(a) The solemnisation by five parties who have legal capacity to marry each other
(b) The solemnisation by three parties who have legal capacity to marry each other
(c) The solemnisation by two parties who have legal capacity to marry each other
(d) The solemnisation by ten parties who have legal capacity to marry each other

(9) The Family Justice Act 2014 established a comprehensive new structure, known as the
Family Justice Courts, to adjudicate on and resolve all family law matters. Which court in
NOT part of the Family Justice Courts:
(a) Family Courts
(b) Youth Courts
(c) Small claims Court
(d) Family Division of the High Court

(10) Section 93(1) of the Women’s Charter grants jurisdiction to Singapore courts in relation
to proceedings for divorce, judicial separation or nullity of marriage only if either of the
parties to the marriage is:
(a) Domiciled in Singapore at the start of proceedings, and habitually resident in
Singapore for at least three years before the start of proceedings.
(b) Domiciled in Singapore during the proceedings, and habitually resides in
Singapore for at least five years before the start of proceedings.
(c) Domiciled in Singapore at the start of proceedings, and habitually resident in
Singapore for at least one year before the start of proceedings.
(d) Domiciled in Singapore during the first 6 months of the proceedings, and habitually
resident in Singapore for at least six years before the start of proceedings.

(11) Which of the following case law illustrates that formal validity of a foreign marriage is
governed by the law of the place where the marriage was carried out:
(a) Arpinya Rongchotiawattana v Wee Oh Keng [1997] 3 SLR(R) 378
(b) Geetha d/o Mundri v Arivananthan s/o Retnam [1992] SGHC 340
(c) ADP v ADQ [2012] SGCA 6
(d) Ng Kee Shee v Fu Gaofei [2005] 4 SLR 762

(12) A marriage can be held voidable on the grounds of (section 106, Women’s Charter),
which of the following is NOT a ground for a voidable marriage:
(a) Non-consummation owing to the incapacity of either party to consummate it
or wilful refusal of the defendant to consummate it.
(b) Either party not validly consenting to the marriage, whether as a consequence
of duress, mistake, unsoundness of mind or otherwise.
(c) Either party, although capable of giving a valid consent, suffering (whether
continuously or intermittently) from a mental disorder so as to be unfit for
(d) The defendant has existing children by some person other than the claimant.

(13) Which case law illustrates reiterates that consent for marriage, even when
parents gave their consent for the marriage of a minor, must include the free consent
of the person who was marrying.
(a) Arpinya Rongchotiawattana v Wee Oh Keng [1997] 3 SLR(R) 378
(b) ADP v ADQ [2012] SGCA 6
(c) Geetha d/o Mundri v Arivananthan s/o Retnam [1992] SGHC 340
(d) Ng Kee Shee v Fu Gaofei [2005] 4 SLR 762

(14) The Courts have endorsed the concept of joint parental responsibility, even where
there is acrimony between the parents, which of the following case citations aptly
illustrates this concept?
(a) Castello Ana Paula Costa Fusillier v Lobo Carlos Manuel
Rosado [2003] 4 SLR 331
(b) CX v CY [2005] 3 SLR(R) 690).
(c) Teo Hoon Ping v Tan Lay Ying Angeline [2010] 1 SLR 691
(d) YZ v ZA [2008] SGDC 191

(15) The court has to decide in a dispute between Sam and Tamara. They have two
children and cannot decide with whom the children should live following their divorce.
Which is correct?
(a) The court should avoid any delay in proceedings as a delay is likely to
prejudice the welfare of the child.
(b) The court must always listen to the views of the child irrespective of their age
(c) The court’s first consideration is the welfare of the child.
(d) The court cannot make an order if David and Susan come to an agreement
as there is a presumption of no order

(16) Jacob is married to Deborah and they have become parents in the last six months.
A lawyer friend has told them that they have parental responsibility for their child.
Deborah and Jacob wish to know more about parental responsibility.
Which of the following is CORRECT?
a) Parental responsibility means that parents can teach their child about a particular
b) Parental responsibility means that a parent must provide suitable housing for their
c) Parental responsibility means that a parent is responsible for providing the child
with an education.
d) Parental responsibility means that parents must make all decisions about a child
until the child reaches the age of 21.

(17) Which of the following is NOT valid in consideration when determining “Care and
Control” of a child in custody matters:
(a) All things being equal, mother is preferred if the child is young
(b) Preserve status quo and continuity of living arrangements
(c) A child must have access to paternal grandparents
(d) Siblings should not be separated

(18) Which of the following in NOT an element of desertion:
(a) withdrawal from all obligations of marriage (even if living under same roof)
(b) Intention to bring the marriage union to an end
(c) Spouse that claimed to be deserted consented to the desertion
(d) No reasonable/ good cause for the person who has deserted to have left the
other party

(19) The Certificate for making an Interim Judgment final is granted how many
months after the court has granted an Interim Judgment:
(a) 1 month
(b) 2 months
(c) 3 months
(d) 4 months

(20) An Ancillary Matters case conference is usually called for within:
(a) a month of the Interim Judgment being granted
(b) two months of the Interim Judgment being granted
(c) Two weeks of the Interim Judgment being granted
(d) Six months of the Interim Judgment being granted



Q1. A

Q2. D

Q3. C

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