[Answered] HIST405N Week 3 Assignment: Case Study


HIST405N – United States History


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use the available resources from the list above to support your selected topic.

  • It’s highly recommended that you download and use the suggested assignment template for each topic to complete this case study.
  • When you complete the template, upload and submit it in the assignment dropbox on this webpage.

Medical Practices Mexican War v. Civil War

  • Describe medical care challenges during the Mexican War and the Civil War.
  • Assess American policy regarding treating the wounded during the Mexican War versus the American Civil War. What are some similarities and differences?
  • Analyze how disease posed a more significant threat than the battlefield of both wars.
  • How has military medicine improved today compared to the Mexican and Civil Wars?

Topic 1 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

The Disputed Election or Revolution of 1800 

  • Describe the historical setting surrounding the Election of 1800.
  • Assess what constitutional issue the election of 1800 results helped to reveal. What did Congress do to mitigate the issue?
  • Do you think it was necessary to pass the Twelfth Amendment? Why or why not?
  • Analyze why the Presidential Election of 1800 coined the “Revolution of 1800.” Do you find this appropriate? Why or why not?

Topic 2 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

Westward Expansion Movement to the Homestead Act

  • Describe how the Westward Expansion movement forged the American character and personality that led to the success and growth of the United States.
  • Assess how the Homestead Act of 1862 aided the settling of the West.
  • Evaluate how the railways aided Westward Expansion.
  • Analyze how the Westward Expansion Movement was a cultural crossroad.

Topic 3 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

Women’s Movement at Seneca Falls and Sojourner Truth

  • Describe and trace the events that led to the women’s rights movement at Seneca Falls.
  • Briefly assess Sojourner Truth’s life as a female activist. To what extent did she contribute to the women’s rights movement?
  • Evaluate how debates over women’s rights shaped U.S. politics and culture.
  • Analyze how significant events in US history transformed the status and rights of women in society.

Topic 4 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)

Jacksonian Democracy – the Era of the Common Man a New Political Theory

  • Describe how the election of Andrew Jackson represents the rise of the common man.
  • Assess the shift in political theory during Jackson’s administration.
  • Analyze how the Jacksonian era is synonymous with the expansion of democracy and the advent of a more open political system.
  • Evaluate Alexis de Tocqueville’s statement argument about the tyranny of the majority. Does it reflect American democracy today?

Topic 5 Assignment TemplateLinks to an external site. (Recommended)……………………….$10