[Answered] HIST420N Week 2 Assignment: Video Review – Mexico: God. Gold and Glory

The Conquest of the Aztec Empire is perhaps the most important moment in the history of the Americas. It set the stage for Spanish conquest throughout the rest of the mainland and brought so much gold and silver back to the Old World that it fundamentally changed the economy of the globe and caught notice of Spain’s rivals who would then decide to go to the New World for themselves. The blueprint set forth by Cortez in Mexico would be used against the Maya, the Panamanians, the Inca, and numerous other peoples of the Americas.

Watch the video listed in the Required Resources. Then, respond to all of the following:

  • Summarize Cortez’s campaign.
  • What do you believe the Spaniard’s most important advantage was in this campaign? Support your answer with reason and examples from the video and other sources (make sure to cite your sources as appropriate).
  • Finally, what were some of the lessons Cortez learned about the Aztecs that Spaniards would use against other peoples in the Americas?




Video Review

Concerning the chronology of human beings, there always has been a place for wars, conquests, invasions, and subjections. The driving force of progress and development of human civilizations has always been the displacement of the weak by the stronger. Unfortunately, based on the experience of humanity, any civilization comes to an end. Either a conflict arises within a civilization and it breaks up into different parts, or conquerors come and subjugate its people.

One of these conquerors was Hernan Cortes, a Spanish explorer, who arrived in the 16th………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10