[Answered] HIST420N Week 8 Discussion: Civil Rights for Hispanics

HIST420N Week 8 Discussion: Civil Rights for Hispanics

Initial Post Instructions
Learning the Hispanic History of the United States is important in understanding the Hispanic American population you may serve. As we can see from the materials this week, the civil rights struggle by Hispanic populations within the United States helped point to the major inequalities of life in the United States. In this last discussion we are going to examine these struggles and the role studying them has in our future.

For the initial post, address the following:

  • Looking at the materials this week, pick one of the civil rights actions that involved Hispanics in the United States. Give a brief synopsis of that movement and what has come of the movement. Is it still going? Was it successful?
    • Some examples of movements that you can do some extra research on include: The United Farm Workers movement, the Chicano Movement, Spanish Education in Primary Schools, LatinX movement, and Hispanic immigration movement.
  • Then address the following question: How has the study of the history shaped your understanding of this population? Make sure to address the following in your response: migration and settlement; cultural traits; and relationship with U.S.



The Chicano Movement

In the 1960s, a radicalized Mexican-American movement started promoting a brand-new recognition. The Chicano Activity, aka El Movimiento, promoted social as well as political empowerment with a chicanismo or cultural nationalism. Leading up to the 1960s, Mexican-Americans had sustained decades of discrimination in the UNITED STATE West and also Southwest (Rodriguez, 2014). After the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo put an end to the Mexican-American Battle in………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5