[Answered] MATH062N Week 3 Discussion: Expressions and the Order of Operations

Initial Post Instructions
In English, the placement of punctuation can change the meaning of the entire sentence.

John said “Ben drove too fast”

is different than

“John,” said Ben, “drove too fast.”

Order of operations is a collection of rules to follow when simplifying an expression.

When it comes to the order of operations, chances are you have probably used this concept before.

For example, say you want to buy a $5 bottle of lotion for 10 family members and 4 friends from work. How much money do you need to budget? To figure this out, you need to use the order of operations:

5 * (10 + 4)

= 5 * 14

= $70

If you don’t use the order of operations, your answer will be off:

5 * 10 + 4

50 + 4

= $54

For the initial post, do the following:

  • Develop your own “real-world” scenario that illustrates the order of operations with at least three different operations.
  • Use order of operations to solve the expression you developed.
  • Show what happens with the expression you developed if order of operations is not followed.


Solution 1

Tom bought 5 toys for fifteen dolars each that has a state tax of eight %, and there’s a three dolars surcharge for employing charge card. What’s the entire price?
(5)(15) = sixty five dolars before tax.

Solution 2

So for Christmas, I buy everyone matching outfits each outfit is twenty dollars, so how much money will I need in order to buy eight outfits. At the end of the purchase, I must also include a 6.25% sales tax in order to have enough money.

(20×8)+6.25%(20×8)+6.25% …………..please follow the link below to access the solution (4 solns) at $5