[Answered] MATH062N Week 8 Discussion: Math in the Real World

Initial Post Instructions
It’s not hard to find interesting examples of math in the real world because math is everywhere, including advertising. Whether an airline is touting the amount you will save flying with them or a toothpaste company is informing you that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend their product, using math is one way advertisers try to get you to buy their product or service.

For this final discussion, find an online advertisement or news article that uses math. Include the following in your post:

  1. Provide the link to the advertisement or article.
  2. Explain how the advertisement/article uses math.
  3. Determine if this is an effective way to promote their product. Why or why not?



Interesting, we’ve come to the end of this course. I must confess, the “ABC” explanation of each concept together with the series of practical examples given, I found each of the topics most friendly. All thanks to Professor Davis.

Of a truth, when we consciously consider everything that happens around us, we are sure to see the mathematical expression in it. For the last discussion, we’re asked to point out as well as analyze the mathematical expression in any online advertisement. I saw an ad on Nike Zoom…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5