[Answered] MATH114N Week 2 Discussion: Exploring factors and Factoring Trinomials

Initial Post Instructions

We start the week by introducing polynomials. We will learn how to identify and simplify polynomials. We will also learn how to find the greatest common factor (GCF) among them. As our knowledge of polynomials grows, we will then move on to factoring trinomials. For your first post, search online for an article or video that describes how polynomials can be used in the real world. Provide a one paragraph summary of the article or video in your own words.



As we all discovered last week, math is used in everyday more than we ever realized or wanted to admit. This week we are looking at how monomial and polynomials math are present in our everyday interaction with patients. Some examples include going anywhere post COVID-19 and going to a medical provider facility. The video attached shows how math is used everyday in the medical field (please click on link attached).

Since Covid-19 began to impact our country, everyone has been hyper vigilant about assessing one’s risk, medical history, signs and symptoms, and temperature.  Masks and PPE are just the tip of the iceberg. If you are considered high risk or infectious, then additional screening is…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5