[Answered] MATH114N Week 7 Discussion: Solving Equations using Square Roots or the Quadratic Formula

Initial Post Instructions

From farmers to civil engineers, there are many jobs in which the quadratic equation could be utilized. To complete the Discussion activity, please do the following:

Write a paragraph (3-4 sentences) answering the following questions:

  1. What is one possible field or profession you may be considering?
  2. What are ways the quadratic equation could be used in this chosen profession?

Be very specific and include a practical example.



My future profession is nursing. Math is an important set of skills nurses should have. When caring for a patient, it is good to know the correct calculations of medications. There are many ways quadratic equations are used in the nursing profession. For example, quadratic equations can be used to determine calculations of medications and dosages. Some medications need to be converted from one unit to another so knowing the conversion method is very important…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5