[Answered] NR361 Week 7 Discussion: Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings

Discussion Question

A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s wound and then sends a message with the photo to the primary care provider via a text. Please consider the following in your discussion post:

  • What principles of patient confidentiality might be an issue? Consider legal and ethical.
  • How might this nurse use a communication device to support safe patient practices?
  • What would your organization’s policy on ‘personal communication device use in a patient care setting’ reveal related to this case? (If your organization does not have a written policy, or you are not currently working in an organization, what do you think should be included in such a policy and why?)



The principles of justice and agreed consent are significantly invoked in this case.  Justice calls for all the patients to be treated fairly such that they expect their private medical information is held in confidence. Breaching patient confidentiality is against a physician’s pledge in the Hippocratic Oath,…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5