[Answered] NR392-61481ModulesWeek 2 Assignment: Personal PDSA Worksheet


  1. You will be applying the PDSA to an identified personal situation or problem that needs improvement. This is very similar to the example in Lesson 2.
  2. Download the required Week 2 PDSA Worksheet below.
  3. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR392 Week 2 PDSA Worksheet.docx
  4. Select a personal situation or problem that you are experiencing that needs improvement. It can be home or work related.
  5. Complete the worksheet. Worksheet contents include:
    1. Aim statement
      1. Needs to be a measurable goal addressing what, when, how much, and for whom.
    2. Plan
      1. Describe the situation and problem that needs improvement.
      2. Describe the change that should be implemented and the predicted outcome.
      3. Identify who will be involved in implementing and evaluating the change.
      4. Describe how the outcomes will be evaluated.
      5. Identify when this implementation will begin and the target date for completion.
    3. Do
      1. Describe the implementation in detail including any problems or unexpected events that occurred.
    4. Study
      1. Describe in detail the outcome(s) of the implementation and how the problem was improved or not improved.
      2. Identify whether the goal met by the target date or delayed.
      3. Describe how the actual outcome compared to the predicted outcome.
    5. Act
      1. If the problem improved, describe how it will be maintained in the future. If the problem was not improved, describe how the plan will change in the next PDSA cycle. Plans should be detailed, realistic, and contain at least two actions.
  6. Submit worksheet by due date.
  7. Please reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns.



Aim Statement (Measurable goal including what, when, how much, and for whom)

Example:Within the next two months, the rate of falls will decrease by 50% for patients on this unit.  

Type your Aim statement here:   XXX will prep her meals for the work week instead of buying food from the hospitals cafe or ordering uber eats, in order to save money.  She will save $ 50 by 03/12/2021 by eating out less.


Describe the situation and problem that needs improvement.  XXX works 7 AM-7:30 PM 3 times a week on a busy MedSurg unit.…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10