[Answered] NR392 Week 5 Discussion: Culture of Reporting Errors

Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions. Your post should look like:

  • Paragraph one: Consider your present or past employer. Did you work in a blame culture or culture of safety? Explain your thoughts.
  • Paragraph two: What are the advantages or disadvantages of reporting errors anonymously (names of reporter and person who committed error are not reported) in a culture of safety?
  • Paragraph three: Does a culture of safety mean there is no accountability or punishment for wrong actions? Explain your answer.
  • Resources: Where did you find your data?



The latest organization where I was employed, first had a blame culture which was about 20 years ago, then throughout the years, the system changed to a culture of safety. The blame system as I recall was very punitive, some nurses would be in tears after making mistakes no matter how small, due to fear for their jobs and points accumulating on their employee file from medication errors. Not only did the blame culture cause…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5