[Answered] NR447 Week 2 Assignment: Direct Care Project Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis

Directions for Part 1

    1. Review the Direct Care Project Overview above.
    2. View the Direct Care Project Part 1 Tutorial (Click here to view) (Links to an external site.).
    3. Download the Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis template under Templates below.
    4. Please address the following areas on the provided template:
      1. State the clinical certification and target population including setting that were approved by your instructor in the Week 2: Direct Care Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis Check-In.
      2. Thorough discussion of why this certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting
      3. Describe the criteria for selected clinical certification
        1. Process to obtain clinical certification
        2. Cost of application and testing
        3. Requirements prior to certification
        4. Examination description
        5. Renewal time and process
        6. Required items for renewal
      4. Provide APA reference for one peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article connecting patient outcomes, certification, and leadership skills.
        1. From Chamberlain Library
          1. CINAHL or ProQuest
          2. Note: Do not use CINAHL Guides or Evidence-Based Care Sheets
        2. Full Text only
        3. No more than 5 years old
        4. In English
        5. Peer-reviewed
        6. Include the permalink
          1. For more information on finding Permalinks in the Chamberlain Library, see Learn the Library and Finding Permalinks (Links to an external site.)
        7. Reference must be use APA format including author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available.
      5. Summarize findings of article
        1. Summarize the key points of the selected peer-reviewed scholarly professional nursing journal article in one or two paragraphs.
        2. Be clear and concise.
      6. Discuss how patient outcomes in the selected setting could be improved by certified nurses.
      7. Discuss how certification can impact leadership skills in the selected setting.
    5. Identify a problem (diagnosis) based on your assessment
      1. Important: The problem you identify will be utilized in Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the Direct Care Project.
    6. Write the problem diagnosis (See template)
    7. Submit template through the Submit Assignment button on this page.


  1. State the clinical Certification and target population that were approved by your instructor in the Week 2: Direct Care Part 1 Assessment and Diagnosis Check-In.

a. Clinical Certification

For this project, I will be focusing on the Certification of a medical-surgical registered nurse (CMSRN). As the name suggests, this Certification is offered to nurses seeking to specialize as medical-surgical nurses.

b. Target population including setting

The target for this project is registered nurses working in the medical-surgical setting.

  1. Discuss why this clinical Certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting.

I selected this certification, target population and setting following a realization that te registered nurses working therein have a deficiency of knowledge in the essence of such Certification. This project will be an ideal opportunity to explore further and challenge the lack of awareness and appreciation for the selected certification..………….please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10