[Answered] NR447 Week 6 Assignment: Direct Care Project Part 4: Evaluating the Project

Directions for Part 4

  1. View the Direct Care Project Part 4 Tutorial (Click here to view) (Links to an external site.).
  2. Download the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template below.
  3. Gather the information from the surveys and attendance form.
  4. Complete the template with the following:
    1. Attendance form data
      1. Include names, titles, and organization
    2. Tables of results
      1. PRE-Survey and POST-Survey results in numerical form
    3. Interpretation of results
      1. Summarize data in the tables
      2. Include any positive or negative changes
    4. Reflection
      1. Overall experience
      2. Summary of outcomes from the pre and post surveys
      3. Gaps in project (Examples: What else would have been helpful? More data? Better resources?)
      4. Barriers to the project (Examples: participant interest, time, limited resources, willingness for change)
    5. Implications for future practice
      1. How could this project impact your professional practice?
  5. Submit the Direct Care Part 4: Evaluating the Project template and the attendance form. The attendance form will be a separate submission in the grades area.


  1. Title of presentation ______certification of registered nurses in the medical-surgical setting_(CMSRN)________________________________
  1. Date presentation completed _______December 5, 2020_________________________
  1. Tables of results
    1. Tally the results of your surveys and place the numerical values in the boxes below.


# Strongly Agree 
Neither Agree nor Disagree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
1  2 1
2  2 1
3 1 2
4  1  2
5  3


# Strongly Agree 
Neither Agree nor Disagree  Disagree  Strongly Disagree 
1  3
2  2 1
3  3
4  3
5  3
  1. Interpretation of results
    1. Summarize data from the tables

In this survey, I assessed the level of knowledge among three registered nurses working in the medical-surgical setting at the Northwestern Medicine Woodstock Hospital. I used the provided 5-item pre- and post-presentation surveys to collect data. In week 5, I had developed a presentation that was approved for presentation to my target audience. Each participant consented to the survey. Also, they filled in the survey anonymously. As the data in the above table shows, 2 of the participants neither agreed nor disagreed to being knowledgeable about certification within their setting. One of them agreed to not being knowledgeable on the same. Similar responses were noted when asked about knowledge on the clinical certification’s influence on patient outcomes and leadership skills..………….please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10