[Answered] NR531 Week 2: Care Delivery Models and Effective Nurse Administrators


You are the nurse administrator at SLMC. Your Human Resources Director informed you that SLMC is having difficulty recruiting registered nurses for your facility. It was decided by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to hire more nursing assistants to assist during this shortage. Discuss the impact this new strategy/model may have on the organization and how an effective leader can assist with implementing this change.




As the Nurse administrator, 1 of the responsibilities of mine would be to make certain there’s ample staff members to discuss the other change on every single nursing product at SLMC. This’s an enormous task and also could be challenging during periods if the home census is excessive along with flex team staff and unit is very low or perhaps there are many call ins. As a result of the recruiting difficulty, SLMC has made the decision to employ more nursing assistants. This’s a fantastic idea for just a few reasons. To begin with it’s cheaper to use CNAs…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $5