[Answered] NR531 Week 4: Vision and the Organizational Structure


As the nurse executive, discuss your vision that you would like to implement for the organizational structure at SLMC. Share your rationale. How would you incorporate aspects of the person-centred nursing framework into your vision? Using motivational theory, discuss your strategies, as the nurse executive, for creating a motivating climate and atmosphere that supports a more positive work environment.




My proposed perspective for SLMC as the nurse administrator is delivering probably the highest degree of secure, compassionate, culturally competent, and quality care and to change as well as progress expert nursing practice. As the individual population served by SLMC is culturally different, the nursing staff has to be culturally skilled. The nursing staff has to be empathetic and compassionate when dealing with the patient ‘s needs. Commitment from nurses to improve the practice of theirs both professionally and personally show the commitment of theirs to staying present and also supplying secure, quality of care on the individuals served.

In healthcare nowadays, it’s critical to be highly effective leader. Visionary leaders have to be committed to the vision of theirs to encourage and inspire the staff of theirs. Inspired and…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $10