[Answered] NR532 Week 3: Strategic Planning Assignment

Preparing the paper

You are the nurse executive of a healthcare organization. To ensure the organization’s success, you must develop a strategic plan scenario to address the nursing shortage in an area of your choice. Please ensure no identifying names are used in your scenario.

  1. Clear introduction of your strategic plan in the introduction paragraph; including a sentence that states the purpose of your paper.
  2. Clearly articulate key concepts of your strategic plan, which include:
  1. stating whom will be involved in the strategic-planning process, their position or role within the organization, and your rationale(s) for including each member of the team.

Interview one person who is currently in the role of one of the persons you would include in your strategic plan process. Ask that person how they view their role in transforming healthcare and making a difference in the lives of patients and families. Include a copy of their curriculum vitae (CV) and a transcript of your interview (not included in the 3 page limit for the assignment); include email communications from you to the person, in the event you do not receive a response. Include all information from the interview as an addendum to your assignment; and

  1. using a SWOT analysis approach, discuss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you must consider internal and external to the organization. A table is acceptable if you prefer to use this format for your SWOT analysis information.
  1. State your top two priorities, based on your SWOT analysis, to address the nursing shortage for your organization from your strategic plan and discuss how these priorities relate to leadership and the Person-Centred Framework by McCormack and McCance (2017).
  2. Include of a minimum of three sources of scholarly, empirical evidence that support your strategic plan.
  3. Provide concluding statements for your overall assignment content.



Strategic Planning: Nursing Shortage

Since the profession’s emergence in the medical field, the notion of nursing has been one of the most challenging aspects for both management and job description outline. According to the researchers, today’s medical paradigm generally struggles to provide nurses with the workforce fundamentals required for beneficial health care (Anupama, 2018). As a result, the rates of nursing retention tend to drop significantly due to the providers’ inability to ensure nurses’ professional growth and positive environment. Hence, the primary goal of the present planning is to provide a…………..please follow the link below to access the solution (together with resume) at $10