[Answered] NR601 Week 1: Discussion Board – Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment


Step 1:  

Review the assigned topics which are listed by student number. For example, if your student number is 2 you will discuss the functional health domain and then respond to a classmate who has posted on the psychological health domain.

Your student number:   Your assessment domain  Your peer response domain 
1, 5 and 9 Physical health   Socioenvironmental health & quality of life measures 
2, 6 and 10
Functional health   Psychological health 
3 and 7  Psychological health   Functional health 
4 and 8   Socioenvironmental health & quality of life measures   Physical health 

Step 2:

For your assigned assessment domain: 

  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the components of the domain assessment* 
  2. Choose a screening tool which is appropriate for your domain. Explain the screening tool purpose, components and scoring technique*  
  3. Provide 2 references in APA format beneath the table which support your work.  You may use the textbook. The second reference must be a scholarly source.  

*All responses must be your work, in your own words. 

 Your table should look like the following: 

Comprehensive Geriatric  


Domain  Dimensions of assessment  Screening tool related to the domain(s)  


Step 3:

Paste table inside the discussion board post. Do not attach as a document. 

Step 4:

Respond to a peer’s post. Your assigned response to a peer requirement is listed within the assignment table.

Peer response will include:

  • Compares peer domain to student’s assigned assessment domain, noting similarities and differences* 
  • Peer review: discuss how your assigned peer’s screening tool can be applicable in your own future practice*  

 *All responses must be your work, in your own words.


Category  Points  %  Description 
Assessment of Knowledge: 

Assessment Domain 


18  30 
  1.  Provides a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the assigned domain components. 
  2. Domain summary includes description of each component. 
  3. Selects a domain appropriate screening tool.  
  4. Explains the purpose, components and scoring technique of the screening tool.   
Support from Evidence Based practice   18  30 
  1. Discussion post is supported with a minimum of one appropriate, scholarly source in addition to the textbook AND 
  2. Sources are published within the last 5 years AND 
  3. A reference list is provided with in-text citations that match the discussion content AND 
  4. Peer response is supported with a minimum of one appropriate, scholarly source in addition to the textbook 


Peer response   12  20 
  1.  Compares peer domain to student’s assigned assessment domain 
  2. Comparison includes similarities and differences to student’s assigned domain 
  3. Comparison includes differences to student’s assigned domain 
  4. Discusses how the peer’s screening tool can be applicable in the student’s own future practice 

(4 critical elements) 



  48  80%  Total CONTENT Points= 48 pts



Comprehensive Geriatric 


Domain Dimensions of assessment Screening tool related to the domain(s) 

Functional status refers to a person’s ability to perform tasks that are required for living. A Functional health is usually utilized to establish the future and current health care as well as psychosocial requirements of frail aged. The detailed assessment of the frail aged patient offers helpful analysis as well as prognostic info and also can serve as a baseline for improved understanding immediate as well as long term affected person as well as wishes and family needs.…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $5