[Answered] NR601 Week 1: Discussion Board – Polypharmacy


Your initial discussion post should include the following: 

  1. Identify and discuss 2-3 definitions of polypharmacy (there are multiple definitions)Your textbook can count as 1 reference. You must also include an additional reference from an evidencebased practice journal article or national guideline. 
  2. Identify three risk factors that can lead to polypharmacy. Explain the rationale for why each listed item is a risk factor. Risk factors are different than adverse drug reactions. ADRs can be a result of polypharmacy, and is important, but ADRs are not a risk factor. 
  3. Explore three action steps that a provider can take to prevent polypharmacy. 
  4. Provide an example of how your clinical preceptors have addressed polypharmacy. 


Polypharmacy has numerous definitions; it’s a phrase used for describing if an individual takes way too many medications for starters given disease procedure. Based on Mortazavi et al., 2016 polypharmacy describes issues related to many drug ingestions and start using. You will find numerous signifying for polypharmacy including unneeded drug use and utilizing medicines with no indication or explanation (Mortazavi et al., 2016).…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $5