[Answered] NR631 Week 1: CGE Project Introduction

NR631 Week 1 CGE Project Introduction

This course will focus on approaching your CGE project topic from a project management perspective. We will spend a majority of this course laying the critical planning foundation. Feedback from your colleagues and peers should be a routine practice when it comes to projects. For this discussion, please address the following.

  1. State your PICOT either as a post or an attachment to the Week 1 PICOT worksheet.
  2. Provide a brief overview of your project and how you came to choose this project.

Read through the posts of your classmates and provide constructive feedback. Ask any questions you may have about a classmate’s topic or share any experience you have in that area. Remember to always be respectful and encouraging when it comes to providing feedback.



Hi Professor and class,


My project relates to improving communication and teamwork between surgery team members at my facility by creating a standardized communication form.  The communication form will allow different surgery team members to share information and build upon each other’s work.  This will reduce redundancy, reduce errors, and make the process of ensuring patients are ready for surgery more efficient.

Our current process provides that nurses from the surgery clinics, scheduling, preop, and surgery all look through a patient chart to verify the same information.  Anesthesia also needs to verify………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10