(ANSWERED) Pathopharmacology SU1 22 Quiz I Introduction to Pathopharmacology

Pathopharmacology SU1 22 Quiz I Introduction to Pathopharmacology

Q1. The physiologic ability of the drug to reach its target cells and produce its effect is called which of the following?

Ans: Bio availability

Q2. Which of the following is an essential component of drug evaluations due to the variability of response among patients and is considered the longest part of the drug approval process?

Ans: Clinical phase trials

Q3. Which of the following was created by the FDA as a  means to regulate and as an alert to identify extreme adverse drug reactions discovered during and after the review process


Q4. A substance that has the potential to cause a defect in an unborn child during the mother’s pregnancy is called which of the following


Q5. Pharmacologists designed this type of drug in an attempt to improve adherence in response to studies that demonstrated adherence declines as the number of doses per day increases

Enteric coated

Sustained release



Q6. The process in which medications absorbed from the stomach and small intestines travel first to the liver where they may be inactivated before they ever reach their target organ. (Choose one)

Drug-Protein complexes
First Pass Effects

Q7. Which of the following is the term used to describe the magnitude of the maximal response that can be produced from the particular drug?


Q8. Drug- food interactions do not affect the duration of drug action?


Q9. Adverse drug effects are more common in older adults than in young adults?


Q10. Drugs are primarily excreted by which organ?

Q11. The administration of medication via the sublingual route results in a slow onset of action? True false

Q12. A drug many have multiple trade names but only one chemical name?


Q13. Guided by the controlled substances act, which of the scheduled drug classes have the least potential for addiction and are thus less tightly controlled?

Q14. The cubic centimeter (cc) is no longer used because it can be mistaken for abbreviation for units (u) and cause medication errors:

