[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 2 Discussion: The Social Self in Social Psychology

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Motivation is a fantastic tool that helps keep individuals moving and active in life. Consider the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What are the motivations in your life that are pushing you to earn your degree? How do your sources of motivation align with your sense of self or self-concept? Do you find yourself more swayed by intrinsic or extrinsic sources of motivation when it comes to completing your degree? Why do you think that is?




Week 2 Discussion: The Social Self in Social Psychology

Whenever we consider inspiration, the very first thing that strikes the mind of ours is the source of its – external or internal. Motivation that is intrinsic may better be referred to as behaviour guided by inner incentives. As opposed, extrinsic inspiration describes the inspiration dependent on outside requirements of an individual including money, grades, position, and more (Ryan, & Deci, 2020). Inspiration is usually known as the invisible force which moves, triggers and drives individuals and also leads to them to behave. It’s one thing that incites an individual into action and also tends to make him continue the course of action with enthusiasm, to complete the desired objectives.…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $5