[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 4 Assignment: Groups

While our focus in the lesson this week was on the concepts of conformity and obedience, we also studied group processes and dynamics in our readings for the week. For this assignment, select two specific groups to which you personally belong. This could be a church group, sports team, club, department at work, etc. In a slide presentation, address the following for each of the groups you selected:

  • Describe the group (membership, purpose, etc.).
  • Define the group roles, emphasizing your own role in that group.
  • Describe the group norms.
  • Analyze the group dynamics – How does the group communicate? How are decisions made? Who evaluates group members’ performance?
  • Evaluate how dissension or conflict are managed within the group.
  • Select two social psychology group concepts (for example: cohesion, groupthink, social loafing) and apply them to these two groups, comparing and contrasting how the group norms and dynamics impact how the group behaves.




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