[Answered] PSYC315N-10726 Week 5 Discussion: Steretoypes and Self-Esteem

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Consider what we discussed earlier in the course regarding our sense of self and analyze that in the context of our discussion of stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination this week. What impact might being the victim of stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination have on our self-esteem or self-concept?




Week 5 Discussion: Steretoypes and Self-Esteem

Prejudice uses the target feel less than completely man. When individuals are undervalued by others, their self esteem suffers and so they quit attempting to enhance themselves. Prejudice could result in bullying along with other types of discrimination. These produce an environment of dread for what could occur at any fear and moment for how much the future may hold. In extreme cases this could lead an individual to have the own life of theirs (Wang, Yu, Pedram, & Chen, 2018). At the worst extremes of its, prejudice is able to result in genocide, as evidenced during World War 2, with the extermination of six million Jewish individuals.…………..please follow the link below to access the solution at $5