
Bioreactions (i.e., fight, flight, freeze, or appease) include quick responses to stimuli or threats that are dangerous and fearful experiences, many of which are caused by social interactions. Bioreactions help the brain reinforce certain pathways. This is one way to learn. Some pathways then associate that past reaction with similar events. The fear response may then become associated with other non-fearful events. Because the brain is so good at making these associations, we are not even aware of the miscue.

Bioreactions are automatic responses that happen within 11–14 milliseconds. In most cases, they are not under your control. However, you can learn to become aware of when you are experiencing a bioreaction by paying attention to what is going on in your body.

To become aware of your bioreactions, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What event/experience led to the bioreaction?
  • What emotions did you feel?
  • How did your body react?
  • What, if anything, did you do differently when you noticed you were having a bioreaction?
  • Why is it important for you to be aware of your bioreactions?


A.  Describe a time when you were in a social situation that triggered a bioreaction(s) by doing the following:

1.  Describe the environment around you before and during the bioreaction(s).

2.  Describe the stimulus (which the amygdala interprets as a threat) that triggered the bioreaction.

3.  Describe the bioreaction(s) (i.e., fight, flight, freeze, and appease) you experienced.

4.  Describe the physical sensations (e.g., sweaty palms, tight muscles) you experienced in your body when you became aware of the bioreaction(s).

5.  Describe the feeling(s) you experienced in the social situation before, during, and after the bioreaction(s).

6.  Describe what you would do differently to successfully navigate this type of reaction the next time you experience a similar social situation.

a.  Reflect on why it is important to react differently when you experience this bioreaction.

B.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.



I have experienced several situations in my life that have triggered a bioreaction. Am a type of person that easily get anxious and scared of situation that threatens my life. I have fears for animals like snakes, dogs, cat and fear for heights. May 20th, 2018 is a day that I will never forget in my life when I was travelling by air to America from Africa.

It was a beautiful morning on the May 20th when I woke to get ready to come back to America after a 2-month vacation to……………..please follow the link below to purchase solution at $5