[ANSWERS] PSYC 370 – Online Exam 2

PSYC 370 – Online Exam 2

Question 1

According to Freud, boys in the third psychoanalytic stage of development:

are openly angry with their fathers.

secretly want to replace their fathers.

disrespect their mothers.

believe their fathers are perfect.

Question 2

Family structure refers to:

the way in which a family raises its children.

the legal and genetic relationships of people in a household.

how the family’s house is constructed.

how the various generations interact.

Question 3

Many developmentalists believe that _____ is the most productive as well as the most enjoyable activity that children undertake.




watching digital media

Question 4

Which of these is NOT an example of a control process?

emotional regulation

selective attention



Question 5

Achievement tests are to aptitude tests as _____ is to _____.

long; short

intelligence; creativity

knowledge; potential

fruit; apple

Question 6

Jerry is asked whether a person should steal food if she is starving. Jerry says no because it is illegal. Jerry is in Lawrence Kohlberg’s _____ moral reasoning level, in the stage called “_____.”

preconventional; might makes right

postconventional; social contract

conventional; law and order

conventional; good girl and nice boy

Question 7

_____ is a discipline technique that involves a parent talking to the child and helping the child to understand what he or she did wrong.





Question 8

Rick hits or kicks Edwin on the playground nearly every day. Rick is using _____ aggression against Edwin.





Question 9

A child’s active play during the childhood years correlates with:

decreased competitiveness.

increased bullying.

increased aggression.

increased peer acceptance.

Question 10

An expert team of scientists compared 1,000 sets of monozygotic twins reared by their biological parents. The researchers asked the mothers to describe each twin. Descriptions ranged from very positive to very negative. The researchers measured personality at age 5 (including antisocial behavior as reported by kindergarten teachers) and then measured each twin’s personality two years later. The results revealed:

if mothers were more negative toward one of their twins, that twin became more antisocial at age 7 than at age 5.

if mothers were less negative toward one of their twins, that twin became more antisocial at age 7 than at age 5.

if mothers were more negative toward one of their twins, that twin became less antisocial at age 7 than at age 5.

that there was no relation between maternal negativity and child antisocial behavior…………………………………..to view all the 100 questions with correct answers, please purchase this tutorial at $25