MN501 Network Management in Organisations

Ethical issues arising from use of ICT technologies

Smart technologies are on the rise. There is a body of literature discussing the key benefits of Smart Technologies; however smart technologies also introduce many ethical issues.
0) Did You Say Privacy? What Privacy?
Surveillance technology has progressed to the point that it is possible to identify individuals walking city streets from satellites in orbit. Telephone, fax, and email communications can routinely be monitored. Personal information files are maintained on citizens from cradle to grave. There is nowhere to run… nowhere to hide. Personal privacy is dead. [Source: Kizza J.M. History of Computing. In: Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 2010, Texts in Computer Science. Springer, London]
– Discuss privacy and why it’s important in the information age?
– Is personal privacy dead? Discuss.
– List and discuss the major threats to individual privacy.
1) Technologies such as google glass and smart watches are coming into workplace. Given the intrusive natures of these technologies it is easy for employees to take video or photographs of other people at work and share it with others. What ethical issues arise from use of wearable technologies in workplace?
2) Smart phones are being used by nurses for clinical communications and workflow in hospitals. Using smart phones to record patient data introduces ethical issues involving patient privacy. Identify what privacy risks arise in such a context and explain the risks in detail.
3) Cyberbullying has been a significant issue globally over the past few years. Cyber-technology has exacerbated this problem due to proliferation of mobile applications in the marketplace. You receive notification from a third party through one of the Apps that you use inviting you to participate in an event. You are not sure how they received your details. Discuss what security issues arise due to sharing of too much personal information on social media Apps.
4) Speed: The speed of gathering information has greatly increased, causing unethical actions to be carried out in shorter times, thus decreasing the chances of detection. When the chances of being caught are slim, many perpetuators think that they can get away with it. Discuss issues arise due to speed of gathering information and unethical related actions. [Source: Kizza J.M. History of Computing. In: Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 2010, Texts in Computer Science. Springer, London]
Investigate and




Electronic Health Records


Currently, electronic approaches to keeping health records are embraced in the healthcare industry around the world. Mobile devices are being utilized by health practitioners for clinical communications and running workflow within the hospitals. However, using the smartphones in patient record keeping comes with perils regarding patient data and other ethical implications to personal privacy. The fundamental human rights of maintaining high levels of privacy and confidentiality regarding one’s health status are potentially infringed by the presence of smartphones in record keeping. Both the physical and virtual security of the information and data stored in the smartphones is a risk factor that could result in the breach of the confidentiality nature of the content saved there.

Identification of ethical issues

Electronic health records such as the use of smartphones are attributed for merits in the care sector. The approach comes with improved quality of healthcare, introduction of high levels of efficiency in operations, and convenience in service provision. The mobile devices have offered doctors and other care providers new avenues of conducting professional communication, expedited and effective specialist consultation, and simpler access to verdict support (Bromwich M. & Bromwich R., 2016). Conversely,…………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.