NR631 Week 5: Resource Management in Project Management

NR631 Week 5 Resource Management in Project Management

As a project manager, part of your responsibility will be identifying resources that you have available and those resources that you may need in addition to what is currently available. Once you know what physical and human resources you have at your disposal, you then use the PM tools introduced in the lesson to allocate and schedule them. In thinking about your project, what resources might you anticipate being the most concerning to secure and/or manage? I look forward to your thoughts and to interacting with some of you this week!



Professor and class,

One of the biggest obstacles I will encounter will be staff resistance to change.  Most of the employees in my department have worked here for many years and are used to the way things are done.  They normally do not like change of any sort.  So, I expect them to be resistant to implementing a new communication tool.  Even though they will all admit that we have communication deficits that are affecting patient care, their history of being defiant to changes is so strong that………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10