NR631 Week 8: CGE Project Portfolio – Part 1

NR631 Week 8 CGE Project Portfolio – Part 1


This assignment allows the student to assemble their CGE portfolio with the project management components and activities completed to this point. This assignment will be built upon at the conclusion of the CGE II course to create a complete portfolio.


Complete the portfolio.

Elements of Portfolio

The student is responsible for the development of a CGE portfolio that includes the following elements in the following order.

  1. Project PICOT question
  2. Abstract summary of project topic (approximately 500 words)
  3. Literature review (may be copied and pasted from the Week 3 assignment with revisions as necessary)
  4. Reflection on Course Outcome (CO) achievement
    1. List each CO as a heading in proper APA format.
    2. For each CO, provide a reflective summary of how you feel you have progressed in meeting this outcome through the resources and activities of NR631.
  5. Scholarly application sections of the following (in order) project management tools (may be copied and pasted from those assignments with revisions as necessary)
    1. Project Charter (Week 2)
    2. Project Scope (Week 2)
    3. Communication Plan (Week 4)
    4. Deliverables and CSF (Week 5)
    5. Work Breakdown Structure (Week 6)
    6. Gantt Chart (Week 6)
    7. RACI (Week 7)
    8. Risk Register (Week 7)
  6. The following documents included as separate appendices in the following order
    1. Learning Agreement
      1. Signed (verified) by both student and mentor
      2. Reflective summary of progress through the end of CGE I of progress toward that goal
    2. Signed CGE activity log with a minimum of 72 hours
    3. Project Charter (Week 2)
    4. Project Scope (Week 2)
    5. Communication Plan (Week 4)
    6. Deliverables and CSF (Week 5)
    7. Work Breakdown Structure (Week 6)
    8. Gantt Chart (Week 6)
    9. RACI (Week 7)
    10. Risk Register (Week 7)
  1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the APA manual.


  1. All aspects of the portfolio must be completed.
  2. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the current edition of the APA manual.
  3. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing.




Project PICOT Question

In school-aged children less than 15 years old with BMI of 26 or above (P), does an exercise program in school, healthy diet, and family health nurse education and monitoring sessions for children and parents (I) compared with exercise program in school and healthy diet alone (C) affect BMI measures by reducing it to 23 or bellow (O) at the end of the school year (T)?

Abstract Summary

Overview Of The Problem

In the United States, there has been a growing problem of obesity among school-going children below the age of 15. In several studies, it has been revealed that the problem of obesity measured by children who have a BMI of 25 and above, has been shown to increase every year since the 1970s. Compared to the 1970s, the percentage of children facing the obesity problem in the identified bracket has more than tripled. This is a huge cause for concern given the dangers of obesity among children and the health complications that could arise as a result of the health condition (Pearl, 2018). Schools have used a few solutions to try to address the issue over this period. They have used healthy meals in school programs in the hope that the healthy foods could help correct the identified public health issue but it has seemingly failed. Secondly, the schools have used exercise programs in combination with healthy meals to help these school kids. The combination has failed so given the statistics outlined above and the tripling of cases compared to the 1970s.

The Rationale

The issue of obesity is a serious issue for several reasons: One; children with obesity and high BMI above 25 are more likely to experience health complications. One of the leading health complications is increased blood pressure. Two, a high BMI is likely to cause a high level of cholesterol which could lead to problems such as heart failure. Three; Both the increased blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are risk factors that often lead to cardiovascular problems such as; insulin resistance, breathing problems such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, and glucose intolerance (Morrissey et al., 2020). There are also long-term consequences of obesity among children such as infertility, renal complications, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

The Need For Change

The use of healthy meals and current programs has not helped in reversing the trend. Instead, the trend has been increasing with the tripling of children with obesity from the 1970s. Therefore, the current systems are unable to help the problem and hence the need to try other additional measures. Healthy meals and exercising have been scientifically proven to help with weight problems and help people reduce excess weight and achieve physical fitness (Morrissey et al., 2020). In addition, exercising helps with mental clarity and keeps children engaged which also helps them in other areas. The suggested solution is to use the aid of parents in helping with the exercise programs and monitor their children. Research has already identified that students who have parents that are involved with their studies tend to perform better in their schooling and show better grades. Therefore, the involvement of parents in this exercise is expected to bear fruit and benefit the children and address this public health problem that threatens to have far-reaching long terms consequences on the children and strain public healthcare in the long run.

Importance For Nursing Practice

The nursing practice will help in addressing this public health problem. They can do this by: one, educating both the children and their parents on nutrition and health benefits that result from this. Two; they can offer strategies that parents and the children can use in addressing their excessive calorie intake and the safest ways to increase physical activity. Nurses can also perform health checks on the children while undergoing the exercises to ensure that they remain in good while proceeding with their exercises and studies.

Literature Review

Over the periods, there has never been a clear definition of either obesity or overweight. However, multiple literacy research on the medical concern relates obesity to a condition resulting from an excess body fat (BF). A similar stalemate to providing a standard definition for obesity applies to determining a universal cut-off point for the extra fat among the young population. A subsequent study on the conduction for children between the age of 5 and 18 years identified obesity in children to apply when the percentage of their body fats is at least 25% and 30% for male and female children, respectively (Ezzeddin et al., 2019). A similar study by the CDC defined obesity in children as equal or greater than the 95th percentile BMI. However, the same research implied an alarm for the condition to lie as low as the 85th percentile of the BMI (Ezzeddin et al., 2019). Other European researchers, on the other hand, classified overweight and obesity differently. The former, they rated as at the 85th percentile of BMI, while obesity as at or above the 95th percentile (Ananthapavan et al., 2020). Therefore, the dynamics in standards for childhood obesity and overweight levels make it subject to even further investigations.

SECTION 1: Summary

Multiple works of literature acknowledge the extreme adversities of childhood obesity that extend even beyond the US. It is said to have reached epidemic levels within the areas most affected. The magnitude of the effect is evident in both the victims and the people around them. According to the present data, obesity in childhood has significantly affected the lives of millions of people in the US alone (Sahoo, 2015)………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $45