NSG4028-Concepts of Teaching & Learning CP01 Week 2 Discussion


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1

Developmental Stages and Learning

a. Compare and contrast two stages of development as they relate to learning.

b. Create 3 teaching strategies for each developmental stage.


Topic 2

Learning Styles

Describe your personal learning style and answer the following questions:

a. Provide examples of at least 3 teaching strategies that enhance your learning and discuss why they are effective.

b. Explain how you can accurately assess your patient’s learning style.



Hello professor and class,

Identifying one’s best learning style is crucial as it helps one know their strengths and weaknesses in the various concepts of one’s field of study or career. There are various learning styles that individuals can employ to understand various concepts or even teach them to their learners. Visual learning style is my best among the common four types of learning. As much as………………………$7