PSYC 370 – Chapter 5 Assignment



Question 1

/ 1 pts

Studies of maltreated children suggest that excessive stress-hormone levels in early childhood:

return to normal levels once the source of the stressor is gone.


permanently damage brain pathways.

reduce emotional reactivity in adulthood.

activate important cognitive networks throughout the brain.

Question 2

/ 1 pts

Four-year-old Colin thinks a tall 20-year-old man is older than a short 40-year-old man. Which Piagetian error characterizes Colin’s thinking?


static thinking


a focus on appearance

symbolic thinking

Question 3

/ 1 pts

The Reggio Emilia early-childhood program focuses on:

reinforcement for academic accomplishments.

assimilation and accommodation skills.


children’s creativity and artistic talent.

self-esteem and self-concept.

Question 4

/ 1 pts

Dexter, age 4, speaks differently to his baby sister than to his teacher. This indicates that he understands some of the practical uses of language. Dexter is developing an understanding of:




social gestures.


Question 5

/ 1 pts

Between the ages of 2 and 6, a well-nourished child will gain about _____ pounds and grow about _____ inches per year.

5; 6

2; 3

4.5; 3

5.5; 4.5

Question 6

/ 1 pts

One of the milestones of preoperational thought is the ability to:

use symbolic thought.

understand reversibility.

display conservation.

think logically.

Question 7

/ 1 pts

Piaget believed that until about age 6, it is difficult for children to think:




about animism.

Question 8

/ 1 pts

Leroy is in a teacher-directed preschool. Which activity would his parents NOT expect him to be doing?

listening to a story read aloud during circle time

forming the letter M in a tray filled with shaving cream

gluing pieces of macaroni on a paper plate to form a number

working on a long-term individual project about birds

Question 9

/ 1 pts

According to your text, some researchers believe that autism spectrum disorder may be due to:

rigid myelination.

abnormal development of the corpus callosum.

lesions in the prefrontal cortex.

incomplete axon cords.

Question 10

/ 1 pts

Janet is reading a storybook aloud to her 2-year-old daughter, Abigail. Abigail’s father says, “Why are you bothering? It’s not like she’s going to learn to read from that.” What would you tell Abigail’s father about reading to preschoolers?

He’s right; it doesn’t matter whether parents read to their preschoolers.

He’s right; children whose parents read aloud to them too early lose interest in books.

He’s wrong; children whose parents read to them as preschoolers tend to be better readers in elementary school.

He’s wrong; children whose parents read to them by age 2 are skilled readers by age 4.

Question 11

/ 1 pts

Vince is able to play “Go Fish,” a card game that requires quick thinking. What brain change MOST directly supports his ability to think quickly?

hypothalamic functioning



frontal cortex maturation

development of new axons

Question 12

/ 1 pts

Dave has a ball of Silly Putty. His 6-year-old son, Mason, watches as Dave flattens the Silly Putty into a thin “pancake.” When Dave asks Mason if there is now more Silly Putty, Mason replies “Yes” because he has:

an understanding of scaffolding.

not mastered the concept of conservation.

an understanding of object permanence.

demonstrated fast-mapping.

Question 13

/ 1 pts

MOST developmentalists advocate _____ preschool programs.





Question 14

/ 1 pts

Juanita suffered a stroke affecting the left hemisphere of her brain. Which skill is MOST likely to have been affected?


face recognition

emotion processing

location in space

Question 15

/ 1 pts

“You are your mom’s daughter, right?” Grandpa asked Beatriz.
“Yes!” Beatriz eagerly answered.
“Well, your mom is my daughter,” Grandpa replied.
“No! She’s my Mommy!” Beatriz exclaimed.
Beatriz is demonstrating which Piagetian error?


object permanence

over regularization


Question 16

/ 1 pts

According to Vygotsky, a teacher who carefully plans each child’s participation in the learning process within the zone of proximal development uses:

reinforcements for good behavior.


peer mentoring.

skill construction.

Question 17

/ 1 pts

Humans seek reasons, causes, and underlying principles to explain the world around them. In research, this idea is called:

deductive reasoning.




Question 18

/ 1 pts

After seeing her new haircut for the first time, Tamara began crying inconsolably. She cried, “You turned me into a boy!” Tamara’s statement is an example of:


static thinking.

a focus on appearance.

symbolic thinking.

Question 19

/ 1 pts

Nine-year-old Brandon has no problem understanding that the 20-year-old woman who sometimes stays with him is both a student and a babysitter. According to Piaget, this is because Brandon’s thinking has moved beyond:


object permanence.

over regularization.


Question 20

/ 1 pts

According to Vygotsky, guided participation requires that a child:

interacts with a mentor to accomplish a task.

is only provided with one set of directions for a task.

discovers the solution to a task independently.

learns new skills through observation.

Question 21

/ 1 pts

According to theory-theory, children overimitate adults because they:

mindlessly copy everything adults do.

theorize that the irrelevant behavior must be important.

theorize that the adult will reward them for correct imitation.

derive pleasure from correctly imitating behaviors of all sorts.

Question 22

/ 1 pts

Four-year-old Terrance is sitting at the lunch counter next to his sister Erin. They are having identical hot dogs for lunch. When his mom cuts Terrance’s hot dog into five pieces and Erin’s into six pieces, Terrance protests, “Erin has more than me!” Which ability does Terrance not yet demonstrate?





Question 23

/ 1 pts

Romanian children raised in orphanages demonstrated _____ when shown pictures of emotional faces.

more reactivity in their limbic system.

less reactivity in their limbic system.

more variation in response.

less variation in response.

Question 24

/ 1 pts

A magician’s goal is to get the audience to focus on one aspect of his show while he manipulates another. This is easy to do with preoperational children, as they are fooled by their tendency to:

think logically.

reverse things in their minds.

demonstrate centration.


Question 25

/ 1 pts

As Shawn and his father, Carlos, put together a puzzle for the first time, Carlos begins by showing Shawn how to locate the outside pieces of the puzzle first. Once Shawn starts to get the idea, Carlos gradually withdraws his support, allowing Shawn to take more responsibility. Carlos is demonstrating Vygotsky’s concept of:

sensorimotor support.


optimal reinforcement.


Question 26

/ 1 pts

When Jessie sees her kindergarten teacher in the grocery store, she is shocked to see her outside of school. Jessie’s surprise is an example of:

static reasoning.

abstract reasoning.

concrete thinking.


Question 27

/ 1 pts

Which statement about exposure to stress is TRUE?

Stress, in any form, is damaging to children’s cognitive and social development.

Even low to moderate forms of stress interfere with children’s day-to-day functioning.

High levels of stress activate hormones that are necessary in helping young children to cope.

Some stress, but not too much, aids cognition.

Question 28

/ 1 pts

A 2-year-old human’s brain is _____ percent of the adult brain’s weight.





Question 29

/ 1 pts

Which statement accurately explains the difference between the brains of Tom, a 2-year-old, and Jim, his father?

Tom’s brain is about 75% of the size of Jim’s.

Jim’s brain has more activity in the angular gyrus than Tom’s.

Tom’s brain is the same weight as Jim’s.

Jim’s brain is less lateralized than Tom’s.

Question 30

/ 1 pts

Demetrius’s family recently immigrated to the United States from the Ukraine. After he attended kindergarten, his parents noticed that his English was more fluent than his native language. Demetrius was exhibiting:

a language shift.

accelerated bilingualism.

a vocabulary explosion.

linguistic egocentrism.

Question 31

/ 1 pts

A child’s ability to add new vocabulary words very quickly is called:


word mapping.

mental language.

word charting.

Question 32

/ 1 pts

When children assume that the world is unchanging, they engage in:

magical thinking.

static reasoning.


a focus on appearance.

Question 33

/ 1 pts

Piaget referred to the early childhood (ages 2 to 6) stage of cognitive development as “_____ intelligence.”





Question 34

/ 1 pts

To focus on one aspect of a situation and simultaneously exclude all other aspects is called:

magical thinking.

static reasoning.



Question 35

/ 1 pts

Piaget called the stage of cognitive development between the ages of 2 and 6 “preoperational intelligence” because children do not yet:

demonstrate intellectual behavior.

use logical operations.

understand language.

produce language.

Question 36

/ 1 pts

The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which a child thinks about the world only from his or her personal perspective is called:

static reasoning.




Question 37

/ 1 pts

Many day-care centers have successfully prevented obesity from increasing from ages 2 to 5 by:

eliminating juice and milk from meals and snacks.

requiring parents to participate in comprehensive nutrition classes.

increasing exercise and improving snacks.

eliminating certain customs where children tend to overeat, such as birthdays and holidays.

Question 38

/ 1 pts

Avia, age 4, visited the city zoo, pointed to a zebra, and exclaimed, “Look at the horse with stripes!” In describing the zebra, Avia used:

logical extension.



theory of mind.

Question 39

/ 1 pts

An estimated _____ to _____ percent of children are allergic to a specific food, almost always a common, healthy one.

2; 3

3; 8

10; 12

15; 20

Question 40

/ 1 pts

Although all of the objects of a culture guide children, _____ believed that language is pivotal.





Question 41

/ 1 pts

The goal of MOST teacher-directed preschools is:

promoting individual achievement.

encouraging informal social interaction.

shaping student behavior.

teaching children to read by the end of the year.

Question 42

/ 1 pts

Lateralization is also called:


white matter.


reverse specialization.

Question 43

/ 1 pts

Knowledge of _____ is essential for learning how to speak, read, and write.



social gestures


Question 44

/ 1 pts

According to Vygotsky, a child’s first guided participation is provided by a mentor who is MOST likely a:




younger sibling.

Question 45

/ 1 pts

Steven’s father takes him to the barber for his first real haircut. At first, Steven is excited, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair, he becomes very upset and tells his father to make the barber stop. In spite of his father’s efforts to assure Steven that his hair will grow back, Steven is exhibiting the Piagetian characteristic known as:





Question 46

/ 1 pts

While working on a coloring worksheet, 5-year-old Alma can be heard whispering, “Color this one blue. Stay in the lines. Oh, yellow would be pretty.” According to Vygotsky, Alma’s utterances are:


indicative of emotional problems.

called private speech.

undermining her learning.

Question 47

/ 1 pts

When shown a novel object and told that it is called a “wug,” preschoolers know that two of those objects would be two “wugs.” This ability to correctly add an –s when pluralizing is evidence of their proper use of:


logical extensions.



Question 48

/ 1 pts

Learning Circle Preschool emphasizes individual pride and achievement while focusing on teaching young children literacy-related tasks. Learning Circle’s approach seems to MOST closely resemble a(n) _____ program.



Reggio Emilia


Question 49

/ 1 pts

Brianna understands that her father is crying because his best friend died. This shows that Brianna has developed:


a script for crying.

theory of mind.


Question 50

/ 1 pts

In the United States, low-income children are offered a free preschool education through:

the War on Poverty.

the Public Broadcasting System.

the Women, Infants, and Children Program.

Head Start…………………………………………………………………………………$30