[Solution] POLI330N-11464 Week 6 Assignment: Current Event – Free and Fair Trade or Budgetary Issue

For this assignment, respond to one of the following options:

Option 1: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries.

  • Summarize the article.
  • What is the issue?
  • Explain why this issue is important to the global community.
  • Evaluate the source.
  • What is your opinion?

Option 2: Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a proposed budgetary change.

  • Summarize the article.
  • What is the issue?
  • Explain who is affected most from the change?
  • Evaluate the source.
  • What is your opinion?



Current Event- Free and Fair Trade

For years, international trade has been an important element in international relations. The term international trade refers to the exchange of goods and services among different countries. This type of trade helps to foster peaceful international relations, raise the living standards of involved states, increase employment opportunities, and increase the supply of goods. The words free and fair trade are highly prevalent when discussing international trade. Herein, free trade refers to the act of reducing policies and barriers to the trading relationship (Whitman, 2019). On the other hand, fair trade involves fair treatment of the workers, removal of discrepancies, and improved working conditions across all involved countries.………….Please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10