(Solution) Book Review: An Introduction to the Nature and Nurture of Language

An Introduction to the Nature and Nurture of Language

Harry van der Hulst

Write a 5-page ‘book review’ (single-spaced) in which you discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the book. Do not provide summaries of the chapters; you already did that. But be specific. Indicate which chapters you liked or thought were especially relevant or informative, but also say which parts were hard or seemingly not so relevant. Finally, talk about things you may have missed in the book.


Book Review


Communication is vital for the normal execution of activities and operations in the world among people in individual, group, or corporate capacities. It is through effective communication that there is the smooth running of affairs among different people in the world. Without the transmission and decoding of messages and signals between people, it could be difficult to coordinate some essential functions that are necessary for human survival and rationale operation of the society. Communication is mainly done through the use of languages that are both verbal and written. Language involves a combination of words or signs that are familiar to all or a group of people and through it, they can easily pass messages and receive feedback to and from each other. Appropriate application of language means that there is the smooth passing of messages between people. However, if the language is abused and used ineffectively, there lacks the coherence in passing messages between people. It is important to understand a language thoroughly with its figurative speech before applying in serious or potentially offensive situations………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.