[Solution] Business Finance Find two good and two bad examples of advertising directed toward elderly consumers, management homework help


Find two good and two bad examples of advertising directed toward elderly consumers. To what degree are these ads stereotypical? Do they depict the concept of perceived age? How could these ads be improved by applying concepts from the reading?

Your answers to the questions should be 4 -5 pages (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions.


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Product promotional activities directed towards elderly members of society should be conducted with dignity and respect. At times, advertisements can project senior citizens offensively, where they are the primary audience. To avoid such incidents, sales personnel ought to develop marketing messages that resonate well with individuals of different ages. Historically, there have been instances of both good and bad advertising focused on aged clients. In the essay, there is a presentation of two illustrations of each category and an exploration of the extent to which they are stereotypical. The response also addresses the depiction of the concept of perceived age and the way the ads can be improved.

Good Advertising Example – Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson developed an advertisement showing an elderly couple riding a motorcycle. The intention was to demonstrate that people of any age can use their products. Before this ad, there were complaints of the company’s promotional messages featuring older men with younger ladies and avoiding the aged women……………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.