(Solution) BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group Oral Presentation

Task Description

Assessment type: Group oral presentation
Weighting: This assessment accounts for 25% of your final grade.
Due date: The assessment is due in on Friday Week 10 2019 at 11:55 PM AEST. There is a late deduction of one point per day after the due date.
Length: The presentation must be 20 minutes in length.
Groups: During the week three tutorial you will be able to sign up to be one member of a group of three.
Format: There are two parts to this assessment. These are:
1. A sentence level speaking outline. Each person must submit an outline that includes the introduction, your individual part, the conclusion, and your references. You will be able to develop your ‘palm cards’ based upon your speaking outline.
2. A recorded presentation. All members must individually submit the recorded group presentation. The recording of the presentation must include power points slides and a ‘live’ image of the speakers.
References: The assessment must include 15 academic references (assumedly 5 references for each speaker). You must use the APA reference style.
Task: BRISBeautyPro (BBP) is an Australian multinational company that makes and distributes organic cosmetics both within Australia and overseas. The head office is based in Brisbane, Australia. You have recently been appointed as the regional manager for New South Wales (NSW). Upon your arrival in Sydney, you have noticed that the organisation is facing several communication problems. The problems are:
1. Email is not being competently communicated between staff;
2. Staff fail to understand the importance of active listening; and
3. Managers do not recognise the importance of the informal communication network.
Other: Your overall mark for this assessment is calculated based upon both the group work and your individual work. You will receive a group grade for the introduction and conclusion of the presentation and the final reference list. All other parts of the presentation will be individually marked, including the individual sentence speaking level outline.
As you prepare for this presentation you should think about the following issues. This presentation is only 20 minutes in length—you will not be able to solve all potential issues that arise from the three problems identified above. Therefore, you need to think about one specific aspect or issue that arises from each of the problems. For example, we know from the discussion of communication media affordances, that email does not easily communicate emotions. Therefore, the specific problem could be that people are sending emails when they are angry or upset about the behaviours of their co-workers. You would then need to think about the significance of the problem—this will help you answer why it is important to solve this problem. You then will need to think about how you will solve this particular issue: who is going to solve the problem? What are we going to do to solve the problem? Where is the solution enacted? When should the solution be enacted? Why should this problem be solved? The last question is important because it will require for you to justify why people should act—if we don’t know why we should change our behaviours, then chances are the behavioural change will not be forthcoming coming.
You are going to submit a speaking outline for your part of the presentation of assessment two. Each person must hand in a speaking outline based upon the following outline. The group is responsible for writing the introduction and the conclusion. Individually, you will be responsible for one of the three questions. The outline that you hand in will include the introduction, your individual point, the conclusion, and the references that you have used. The outline must be written in full sentences.
1. Introduction (First speaker)
a. Attention-getting statement
b. The exigency of the topic
c. Preview of the structure
d. Thesis
e. Transition to the next section
2. Main point one (First speaker)
a. Problem
i. Evidence/example/explanation of the problem
ii. Why is it important to solve this problem?
b. Solution
i. Who
ii. What
iii. Where
iv. When
v. Why
c. Transition to challenge two
3. Main point two (Second speaker)
a. Problem
i. Evidence/example/explanation of the problem
ii. Why is it important to solve this problem?
b. Solution
i. Who
ii. What
iii. Where
iv. When
v. Why
c. Transition to challenge two
4. Main point three (Third speaker)
a. Problem
i. Evidence/example/explanation of the problem
ii. Why is it important to solve this problem?
b. Solution
i. Who
ii. What
iii. Where
iv. When
v. Why
c. Transition to the conclusion
5. Conclusion (Third speaker)
a. Restatement of the thesis
b. Restatement of the main points
c. Capstone statement that provides a call for action/recommendation/prediction/evaluation. Given that this specific presentation asks to you implement changes in behaviour, it seems logical that the capstone statement for this presentation is a call for action (justify why the audience will benefit by complying with the changes in behaviour.



Effective Business Communication
Business communiqué refers to the practice of sharing info between people within and outside an organization which is done with the aim of commercial benefits to the entity. It can also be stated as the flow of information within a business by the people involved in its operations. Business communication can also be defined as to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential customers (Alvesson, 2013). BrissBeauty Pro being a multinational company, communication within the company should be well addressed to ensure all information is well and clearly understood.
The company being an international supplier of organic cosmetics should ensure communication between them and the buyers or the users of the products is intact such that they get timely feedback from the customers. Healthy communication within and outside the company will culminate to the growth and success of the company overall. Although a company deserves proper communication for it to be effective, there are, however, some problems in communication that needs to be addressed.
Being the new regional manager for New South Wales, there is a need to identify the source of these problems. The problems can result from the communication between the staff in the organization, between the administrators and the workers as well as the channel of information transfer from one person to the other. The problems hence must be competently addressed, and possible solutions met to ensure there is healthy communication in the company.
Problem One
The initial issue is that email is not proficiently communicated between members of staff. It is as a result of some staff not managing their business communication via the email. The company deals with feedback from……….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.