[Solution] CO4509 – Computer Security

Assignment 1

Assignment Description
In this assignment you should report on the Cache Poisoned Denial of Service
(CPDoS) vulnerability from 2019. You should write a report that describes
Content Distribution Networks (CDN), how they work and how they used. You
should describe CPDoS and how to perform the exploit as well as any solutions
you can find or devise to defend against it. Finally give predictions to the likely
impact of CPDoS. Make sure to include references to all souces of information.
Your should investigate the following:
• Principles of CDN.
– include an example of use.
• Description of the CPDoS exploit.
• Critical discussion of two possible solutions to the CPDoS exploit.
• Your analysis of the likely future importance and effectiveness of CPDoS.
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyse potential threats to computer systems and networks and evaluate
5. Critically evaluate security policies and techniques
6. Research and report on a security-related topic, using appropriate


Content Delivery Networks

Principles of content delivery networks (CDN)

Mobile network providers face the challenge of increment in data traffic on account of the rapidly growing popularity attached to band-width intensive video services. The challenges can be faced either by means of offloading traffic or boosting the network infrastructure network capacity (Cronk et al., 2018). Traffic offloading is done from the core network and backhaul, as well as the serving content that is distributed from cache servers close to users. Network operators are capable of extending the CDNs traditional coverage by making absolute use of the caching locations, much closer to users. Additionally, network providers optimize the delivery and caching of content through the exploitation of the complete knowledge attached to the designing of a cost-effective infrastructure (Cronk et al., 2018). The main objective in this sense ins to accomplish both enhanced cost savings and user satisfaction. CDNs main operate through four main aspects; mechanisms for……………………To access the rest of the solution at $10, please click on the purchase button.