(Solution) HRMT20024 T1 2020 Attracting and Retaining staff

There are two choices (will be announced) for Essay 3 – for example, the ‘X’ sector, or the ‘Y’ sector.
You will write an essay on the key challenges in attracting and retaining a workforce in your selected sector.
Your essay will draw on at least five themes from Week 1 to Week 11 of this unit, being those most relevant to your selected industry sector.
Your essay will draw on the academic literature (including the annotated bibliography you developed for Assessment 2), and develop an argument applying that literature to your selected sector.
You must cite at least ten (10) relevant peer reviewed journal articles, and 3 chapters from the Nankervis et al. (2017) textbook. You can cite other academic references such as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of the 10 journal articles.



Attraction and Retention of Employees
Human resource management as a corporate function comes with direct impacts on the functionality of an entity. In different sectors across the global economy, employees are deemed as the most important stakeholders in contemporary business organizations. Satisfied workers are more likely to serve customers better as compared to those whose satisfaction levels are low (Boxall, Bainbridge & Frenkel, 2018). The productivity of employees in the modern corporate space is based on empowerment and development as compared to the traditional view where workers were driven by potential rewards for positive performance and punitive measures for dismal outcomes. In the Australian Telecommunications sector, employers are facing different challenges in the attraction and retention of the workforce. Information technology has become integral to business strategy, and so the demand for tech talent is currently at an all-time high in the country. Employers are seeking creative ways of competing for talent among other players in the industry (Boxall, Bainbridge & Frenkel, 2018). In this essay, there is a critical analysis of the challenges that entities in the telecommunications sector in Australia are facing in attracting and retaining employees.
Context of human resource management
The context of personnel management is all about the administration of persons as organizational resources. It ranges from the attraction of employees, their supervision as they deliver on their duties, to dismissal. Human resource managers are responsible for hiring and firing employees in line with the needs of their organisations (Susomrith & Brown, 2017). In the Australian telecommunications sector, engaging people in employment comes as a result of agreement and understanding between the employers and employees. In the industry,…………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.