[Solution] NR449 Week 1 Discussion: Clinical Decision Making

NR449 Week 1 Discussion: Clinical Decision Making

Describe a clinical situation where you were concerned (e.g., a higher incidence of falls, infections, errors, etc.) and where decisions were made to improve the situation. What sources of evidence were utilized to make the decision (e.g., personal experience, expert advice, etc.)?



Hello Class,

I work in an emergency room and clinical situation that I have been in that causes concern is the increasing volume of psychiatric patients that require 1:1 observation and not having enough staff. The purpose of 1:1 observation is when a patient is suicidal, violent, trying to escape, or even if they have dementia and are trying to pull IV lines out (Pinkhasov, A., 2018). It is to protect the patient as well as staff members while in the care of a hospital. According to our………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5