(Solution) Week 2 Assignment: Team Meeting


Work as a team, beginning in Week 2 and compile all of the information included below in your own Word document. After doing so, send your completed work to your team leader so that they can upload one document that includes the work of all team members.
Scenario: Your Emergency Room Department has been short staffed for the last quarter. Patient satisfaction scores are dropping at a drastic rate (from a 9 out of 10 to a 6 out of 10). Employee morale is also at an all-time low. The Human Resources department has decided to form teams in the ER. However, there are a lot of varying personalities and some people are worried that their leadership style is not going to “mesh” well with others.
Your team was assembled by the HR director, but the CEO is concerned about the cohesiveness of the groups and is worried some of you may need to be transferred to different departments. Since you all love working in the ER, you need to convince the CEO that you can all work together as part of an effective team. Each team member will need to provide the following information to the team, and then all of this information will need to be compiled into one presentation:
1. Name, phone number, times available for phone calls, preferred email address.
2. How your Big Five Personality characteristics make you an effective team member (refer to text).
3. Describe your leadership type and how you will use these strengths to collaborate with the rest of your team.
4. Explain how you will navigate personality and leadership style differences as a team.



Openness to Experience (Scale O):
Curious, insightful, independent.
Do well in dynamic environments that require problem-solving skills
Conscientiousness (Scale C):
thorough, self-disciplined, goal-oriented,
Is positively reflected with work success in many settings.
#2 associated with effective leadership
Extroversion (Scale E):
friendly, people-oriented, outgoing, assertive.
Does well with social contact and providing service to others.
#1 associated with effective leadership
Good communication
Agreeableness (Scale A):
considerate, helpful, cooperative, good-natured,
Easy to get along with and handles conflict effectively.
Least associated with effective leadership
Promote Harmony
Neuroticism (Scale N):
anxious, emotional, temperamental.
Low scores indicate the ability to remain calm and positive in stressful situations.
Low scores = Stability………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.