(Solved) 102072: Primary Health and Physical Education

Assessment Details

2.4.1 Assignment 1 – Critical Reflection Essay
Weight: 50%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Friday 23rd August by 11:59pm
Submission: Submit to Turnitin. Refer to submission requirements.
HPE TEACHING The aim of this assignment is to provide preservice teachers with
both the theoretical and methodological tools to start their own pathway as a
teacherresearcher. At the completion of this individual task you should have developed
initial, but solid selfreflective narrative skills that will help you to comprehend and to
advance your own HPE pedagogical practices in the real embodied world.
Length: 2,000 words
Curriculum Mode: Reflection
Assignment 1 Details
In order to complete this assignment you need to submit a 2,000 word essay to the Turnitin link before the deadline.
The assignment is made up of (3) components, all of which should be submitted in only ’one Word document’. The
Turnitin link will be opened one week prior to the due date and will close at the set time on the due date. All
assignments submitted after this time will be marked as ’late’.
Purpose – How this assignment relates to learning outcomes:
You should have developed the ability to relate your own body education trajectory to the HPE syllabus rationale,
and aims and objectives. This should further your understanding of how your body story can help you to cater
for your future students’ health needs through your pedagogical approaches. Moreover, you should be able to identify
your teaching strengths and better integrate HPE with other learning areas across the curriculum.
Aim of the assignment:
At the end of your essay, the reader will be able to identify your reflections/responses to three key questions:
1. How was body education approached in my early years of schooling (e.g. K – 6); what were my experiences
of/with it?
2. What are the connections/disconnections between my own personal body education story and the rationale,
and aims and objectives of the PDHPE syllabus?
3. How will my personal body story influence my HPE pedagogies and the way I teach primary students to have
a longterm commitment to their health?
Assignment Process (always refer to this explanation AND the Marking Rubric):
Before starting your assignment you will need to read the suggested literature in the unit reading list in order
to have a strong theoretical/methodological foundation to proceed with your writing. This assignment involves theoretical
analysis and the research methodology is linked to your own educational story. The assignment involves three
distinct parts as in an applied research paper.
The instructions for each part are set out below. Please notice that the word count for each part is an indication
only, and is given to facilitate the structure of your work. They are not fixed limits; hence you can work around these
numbers. However, you will have to comply with the 2,000 word limit for your full paper (this limit does not include
the reference list).
PART A – Introduction. Responding to key question number 1:
This part should have around 300 words and at least two academic sources. In this part you have to clearly but
succinctly state the ’big picture’ of your essay in order to answer key question #1 (above). Key considerations should
include whether you studied in Australia or overseas, whether you had HPE or not in your early years of schooling; has your body education during your first years of formal education transformed you into a ’sporty’ person? Or, on
the contrary, are you an ’antisporty’ person? Or, somewhere in between? How did these experiences shape your
view of yourself – your identity? Were there any concerns about health education? Fitness, nutrition? Within the
introduction you will have to state the major question/problem of your essay, and state the structure of the paper
that will guide the reader to the steps you will be using to answer your question/problem. You should keep the focus
of your assignment narrow so that it is clear how you will address the three key questions.
PART B – Theoretical/methodological foundation:
This part should have a total of around 700 words and rely on at least four different academic sources (do not
use the same sources as in part A). This is the part where you will explain both your theoretical background and
the research methodology employed in your essay. Theoretical themes that should be addressed: a) the concept of
bodies as a social construction; b) bodies as a central part of human identities; c) how teachers’ bodies’ stories can
influence their pedagogies; d) the HPE syllabus rationale. In the methodological part you need to provide the guidelines
of the methodology you will employ. Methods for this paper may be autoethnography, biographical methods in
educational research, or narrative inquiry. At the end of this part you have to make a brief statement as how these
theories/methods will help you to better answer your research question.
PART C – Discussion/Conclusion  Responding to key question numbers 2 and 3:
This part should have around 1,000 words and at least two different academic sources (use other academic sources
than the ones used in part A and part B). This is the part you connect all points you raised before, however, you
advance on all these issues by reflecting on ’where to from here?’ in terms of your own future pedagogies. Hence, in
this part you need to connect the theoretical/methodological foundation with your selfnarrative of your body story,
using the PDHPE syllabus rationale as a background to reflect on how bodies can be shaped in primary education. As
you make these connections, you’ll be able to respond to key question # 2: the links between your body personal story
and the PDHPE syllabus. After responding to this question, you will have to come to your conclusion, addressing
then key question #3: what are your next steps as a future teacher? How understanding your own body history
might be useful in terms of your PDHPE pedagogies? Do you feel resistance or barriers to teaching HPE? Or in the
contrary, are you looking forward to teach this subject in primary schools?

Health and Physical Education
Part A
Throughout my education process, I have studied and lived in Australia. In the early years of schooling, I had HPE, and the body of education that I have acquired over the years has transformed me into a sporty person. I embrace health and physical education because of the corporeal benefits with which it comes. Education has shaped my sense of identity by informing me about the advantages of being physically active. The consequences of leading a sedentary life are potentially detrimental, and it is my desire to identify myself as a health ambassador (Barnett et al., 2019). For this reason; I look forward to educating other people, both in schools and beyond about the vitality of a healthy lifestyle. Without taking the initiative of informing people, the desired health conditions of the global society are likely to remain unachieved and so assuming the informatory role is an identity that I have acquired through education.
There were various concerns regarding health education. It was not delivered effectively enough, and people remain unaware of the health conditions that come with high levels of inactivity (Vandelanotte et al., 2019). Masses do not comprehend the importance of physical fitness and feeding patterns that are instrumental in shaping the health conditions of their bodies. A healthy lifestyle involves the assumption of physical exercises and consumption of nutritious foodstuffs. In this essay,…………….To access the rest of the solution $5, please click on the purchase button.