[Solved] BIOL 3P28 Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Please review this link at the 23:17 mark. Its only a few minutes that fully explains the instructions: https://echo360.ca/media/7dca2c57-cadc-4e21-80e1-7894f8735a7e/public?startTimeMillis=0

Research topic that is developmentally based (need help to choosing)

4 pages double spaced (not including references)

Lit review (no more than 1 page)
Not an introduction, it is a review of the current literature within the last 5-10 years

Objectives (no more than 1 page)
short term objectives- what you plan to do in this current research project (ex. In the next 4 years I plan to do this…. I hope to understand how this … very specific)
Long term objectives – what you hope to accomplish in your career (ie. this can lead to a cure for..)

Research plan (no more than 2 pages)
rationale for (behind the technique) and approach (how technique was used)

The following format should be used when preparing your research proposal. The degree of conciseness and

clarity in the presentation of the proposed research can significantly influence the evaluation of the application.

The funding request is for three years (that is the amount of time for experiments you will have). You are not

required to submit a budget!

  1. Title – The title should be brief but as descriptive as possible. (5 marks)
  2. Literature review Briefly review only the recent (peer reviewed articles from the last 5-10 years)

research pertinent to the proposed research. ( Do not exceed one typed double-spaced page!). (30


III. Objectives- The objectives of the research must be focused and clearly defined in terms of both

the short and long-term significance of the results. (Do not exceed one typed page) (15 marks)

  1. Research Plan outline the proposed experimental approach including the rationale for its

choice and (briefly) the methods and procedures to be used. Detailed descriptions of standard

techniques (eg. Real-time PCR, Immunohistochemistry, gene targeting, Western blotting, etc) are

not necessary! For instance, if you are interested in changes in gene expression of a particular gene

in response to a treatment you should say that you’d use something like qPCR, which what

tissue/treatments, but do NOT go through the steps of PCR. ( Do not exceed two t yppaegdes) (45 marks)

Literature cited Using the style of the journal Developmental Bio.l o(5g ymarks)


Understanding the Immune Response in Drosophila


Recent developments in medical research involve the immunity-based studies of the fly for drug discoveries. Large numbers of primary neurological, biological, and physiological features stay preserved among the Drosophila melanogaster flies and mammals (Allocca, Zola & Bellosta, 2018). About 75 per cent of disease-initiating genes in humans appear to possess the functional homolog in D. melanogaster (Allocca et al., 2018). Thus, the fly’s immune response is a significant asset in the medical field due to their many hereditary tools compared to other organisms utilized in the immunity studies.

Literature Review

Recent medical research advances involve the immunity-based studies of the fly for the development of disease treatment. Jules Hoffman, who received the 2011 Nobel Prize in Medicine, utilized mutant flies to explore the innate immune system activation and developed insights into the Toll gene (Volchenkov et al., 2011)…………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.