[Solved] BSBCON801 Establish and review the business continuity management framework and strategies

Assessment 1 – Project

Business continuity is identifying all potential risks, determining the most appropriate risk management strategy, implementing the strategy and continuously monitoring the risk management strategy to ensure continued effectiveness.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information.

Task 1

You have been appointed the Chief Financial Officer for a large manufacturing organisation. As part of this role you need work collaboratively in consultation with all key stakeholders to design and develop the business continuity management framework. To complete this first project you need to address each of the following elements:

  • Outline your plan to achieve support for the business continuity management framework from relevant personnel
  • Demonstrate clear sponsorship, responsibility and accountability for business continuity management framework
  • Working collaboratively and in consultation, determine the governance structures for business continuity management framework
  • Communicate effectively with key stakeholders in order to gain approval for resources required to implement business continuity management framework
  • Provide an environment that supports relevant personnel to implement business continuity management framework
  • Design and develop a management system for organisation’s business continuity management program
  • Discuss in detail who you will need to seek approval for the organisation’s business continuity management framework

Task 2

Now that you have established the business continuity management framework you must now continuously monitor every aspect to ensure continued compliance. For this next task you will need to address the following elements:

  • Design and develop a timeline with milestones for monitoring business continuity management framework
  • Communicate with key stakeholders the dates for the milestones that the review process for business continuity management framework will occur
  • Design and develop through consultation and collaboration the benchmark that will used to analyse performance
  • Consult with relevant personnel about the implementation of business continuity management framework
  • Outline why it is vital to monitor business continuity management framework learning, development and exercises across organisation

Task 3

Thirdly the most important part of this strategy is the review process for your business continuity framework. You must achieve a consensus with key stakeholders on what the most appropriate strategy will be to address areas of learning and development, communication and frequency of audits. In this third and final task you will need to address the following elements:

  • What methods you will employ to review and analyse reports on business continuity management framework learning and development exercises
  • Why is it vital to review and analyse the organisation’s communication strategy and implement changes
  • Monitor the overall business continuity management framework activities, processes, plans and resources according to results pre- and post-activation
  • Analyse and integrate organisation’s business impact assessment/s and identify dependencies and interdependencies if applicable

Implement and conduct business continuity management program audits

Assessment 3 – Case Study

For the case study the learner will complete the following assessment.

The case study is a stand-alone activity that is assessed separately to the activities that form the evidence portfolio. The case study will allow the learner to display required knowledge and skills that are essential when contextualising overall competency.

Task 1

For this assessment you must complete the following case study.

For this task you must research each of the following topics in regards to your workplace, and complete a detailed report on your findings. If you do not have a workplace then you may choose one of your own businesses.

The research topics are:

  1. Outline the Review analysis relevant to the organisation’s communication strategy and implement changes
  2. Describe the organisation’s internal and external dependencies and interdependencies       
  3. Review and update the overall business continuity management framework activities, processes, plans and resources according to results pre- and post-activation
  4. Implement and conduct business continuity management program audits
Task 2

After you have researched the relevant topics in Task 1

  • explain how can you incorporate relevant organisation’s communication strategy into your organisation
  • explain how can you update the overall business continuity management framework activities into your business explain how can you implement new business continuity management program


Assignment One

Task One – business continuity framework

Effective business continuity requires different stakeholders to recognize uncertainty as an inherent part of corporate planning. It is vital to be aware that risk is natural in various decisions and activities and that some perils are capable of interrupting business operations and there is the need to be prepared to respond and manage possible materializations into losses (Torabi, Giahi and Sahebjamnia 2016). Gaining the support of business continuity from relevant personnel is an important aspect of the business. One of the most effective plans is bringing employees and other people on board in creating the business continuity framework. People are more likely to support a system that they understand fully as compared to that with which they are not familiar (Torabi, Giahi and Sahebjamnia 2016). Support from relevant personnel can be achieved by establishing rational corporate policies that guide stakeholders on appropriate measures of dealing with risk and return. A conducive environment through which employees can comprehend the elements of risk management will contribute to personnel support in the long run (Torabi, Giahi and Sahebjamnia 2016). Support from personnel is relevant to the development of the framework and will be accomplished through the outlined plan.

Business continuity is a central component of sound governance and tends to be integral to the entity’s risk management approach. The framework of business continuity is applied throughout the entire organizational settings, and it focuses on the firm’s capacity to accomplish its objective both in the short- and long run (Torabi, Giahi and Sahebjamnia 2016). In the manufacturing firm, the top priority for the firm if a disruptive event takes place is the instant and continual safety of the clients and members of staff. The company’s emergency management approaches assist the leadership team in preparing for and reacting to emergency occurrences. Following unfortunate events, it is the management team’s responsibility to ensure that critical operations are continuing and that regular business resumes promptly (Torabi, Giahi and Sahebjamnia 2016)……………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $20, please click on the purchase button.