[Solved] BSBINM601 Manage knowledge and information

Assessment Task 1 – Project

For this assessment you must complete the following project. This project forms part of your assessment for this unit and should be completed and presented in a professional manner. Please ensure you complete each of the tasks below and submit with the assessment cover sheet attached.

Total Assessment 1 length should be 800 – 1000 words.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and maintain information processing systems to support decision making; and to optimise the use of knowledge and learning throughout the organisation. For this task you are to write a report detailing how you could manage knowledge and information in a business. Your report must include details on the methods you will utilize to perform the following:

  1. How you could obtain information relevant to business issues
  2. How you could analyse information and knowledge
  3. How you could make decisions on business issues identified

How you could disseminate information to the organization

Assessment Task 3 – Case Study

For this assessment you must complete the following case study.

Total Assessment 3 length should be 800 – 1200 words.

You must accurately reference all of your external sources of information

Task 1 – For this task you must research each of the following topics, and complete a detailed report on your findings. The research topics are:

  1. New technologies and their suitability to knowledge and information management
  2. Statistical analysis and other quantitative methods commonly used in decision making
  3. Key features of management information systems and decision support systems
  4. Risk management

Task 2 – Download – A guide to managing knowledge from Western Australia Government website at https://publicsector.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/a_guide_to_managing_knowledge.pdf (or) similar documents in regards to managing knowledge in any government and explain

  1. What kinds of information are relevant to the government?
  2. How does the government analyse relevant information and knowledge?
  3. How knowledge management help government make decisions?

Explain in a paragraph how data and information dissemination in government organisations occur. Include any consultation with a specialist group or individual when required



Assignment One:

Knowledge and Information Management

Effective management of knowledge and information is critical for business success from different perspectives. It encompasses the creation, use, and sharing of content and vital data in the process of running operations of a firm (Sanidas 2017). The management of information and knowledge is a multidisciplinary approach to accomplishing various organizational goals and objectives by making the optimal use of data. In detail, the function encompasses obtaining information pertinent to business issues, its analysis, the decision-making process, and the conveyance of material facts to different stakeholders in the entity (Sanidas 2017). In this report, there are details of the manner in which, as an entrepreneur, I could manage information and knowledge in business.

Obtaining relevant information

As a business person, it is vital to appreciate that sources of pertinent corporate information are both internal and external. Internally, obtaining relevant information calls for the creation and implementation of a systematic approach to the collection, classification, and storage of useful data in the entity. For instance, the sales department can offer vital information regarding market trends and the changing customer tastes and preferences (Sanidas 2017). It is a source of info which guides the……………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.